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“As for me and my House” America’s Household Idols
After the conquest of Canaan, Joshua tells Israel to choose God or idols, saying that his household would serve God, so he was exhorting Israel as families not individuals. Worship, whether of God or idols, begins at home…and there are many American “Christian” households that have chosen the wrong gods.
Distracted Worship
Each week at The Shepherd’s Church, we preach short homilies on the law of God and have decided to share those here as a resource to the people of God. This week, the command to make no images of God, and how that relates to distractions in worship.
#5 Guilty By Association: Ten Reasons Why Voting Democrat is a Sin
The people you surround yourself with will either elevate you or drag you down into the muck with them. Just like one rotten apple can turn the whole bunch to mush, the company you keep will reveal your true character.
A Tale of Two Temptations
It is human nature to divide people into categories of “good” and “bad”. But no one is good except for the Triune God. This is especially evident with the sons of Jacob until a climactic moment characterized by two contrasting temptations that point to the First and Last Adam.
The Idolatry of Pessimism
Each week at The Shepherd’s Church, we preach short homilies on the law of God and have decided to share those here as a resource to the people of God. This week, the command not have no other gods before Yahweh (especially pessimism).
#6 Feminism: Ten Reasons Why Voting Democrat is a Sin
"Feminism, through its pursuit of autonomy, sexual liberation, and the destruction of gender roles, has led to the erosion of the family, the subjugation of children to dangerous ideologies, and the widespread acceptance of abortion—murder in the eyes of God."
#7 Open Borders: Ten Reasons Why Voting Democrat is a Sin
Amnesty and open borders aren’t about fairness or justice; they’re a backdoor method to stack the deck for elections, creating a new electorate that ensures Democrats stay in power for generations.
Contend For The Faith
Dan emphasizes the necessity of defending the purity of the Gospel against false teachers within the church, urging Christians to contend for the faith with wisdom, discernment, and love.
Fiery Arrows, False Witness, and Joking
Each week at The Shepherd’s Church, we preach short homilies on the law of God and have decided to share those here as a resource to the people of God. This week, the command not to bear false witness and what that means about joking.
#8 Sex Education: Ten Reasons Why Voting Democrat is a Sin
"By supporting the Democratic Party and its policies, we are endorsing a party that is actively leading children astray and dragging them into sin. Jesus Himself warned us about those who would harm children, saying in Matthew 18:6, 'But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.'"
The Purpose and Nature of God’s Wrath
Dan Hult explores the multifaceted nature of God's wrath, highlighting both its active and passive forms. It emphasizes how God's wrath can serve as a tool for demonstrating His power, patience, and mercy, ultimately pointing believers toward repentance and sanctification while warning against the consequences of idolatry and sin.
The Clawing Away Of Theft
Each week at The Shepherd’s Church, we preach short homilies on the law of God and have decided to share those here as a resource to the people of God. This week, the command not to steal and what that means about withholding.
#9 Critical Race Theory: Ten Reasons Why Voting Democrat is a Sin
The Democratic Party's embrace of Critical Race Theory and its twisted ideologies isn't just misguided—it's a direct assault on Biblical truth, threatening to unravel the moral fabric of our nation. Supporting such a party is not just unwise; it's a step toward the very destruction of our society.
Avoiding the Cultural Cop Out: Dealing with Difficult Commands in the New Testament
Just like the Old Testament laws, there are many New Testament commands that can make us very uncomfortable. As we interpret Scripture, we must be diligent to avoid the cultural cop-out of chalking up these difficult commands up to the culture of the first century Church and therefore neglecting them. This post looks at how…
Young Earth Creational: The Shepherd’s Church Distinctives (Part 11)
In this new series, we are talking about what makes TSC distinct and what are our Biblical values as a Church. In this eleventh article, we explore how the young earth creation position is the correct position and why we hold fast to that doctrine.
The Role of Community in Purity
Each week at The Shepherd’s Church, we preach short homilies on the law of God and have decided to share those here as a resource to the people of God. This week, the command not to aid one another in the prevention of lust.
#10 Climate Hysteria: Ten Reasons Why Voting Democrat is a Sin
"The climate crisis has long been a favored tool of the far left, a lever of fear used to drive political agendas, consolidate power, and funnel billions of dollars into various climate-related schemes... This is not just bad theology; it is outright heresy."
Righteous Adornment: A Biblical Approach To Modesty
Under the influence of feminism, most churches echo the culture’s glorification of women and demonization of men. They therefore avoid a prevalent sin: dressing immodestly. This post will examine what Scripture—not culture—says about modesty so that we can all bring our wardrobes under the lordship of Christ.
Relational and Family-Integrated: The Shepherd’s Church Distinctives (Part 10)
In this new series, we are talking about what makes TSC distinct and what are our Biblical values as a Church. In this tenth article, we explore how a relational and family-integrated approach to the ministry is the correct, Biblical, and right approach.
Serial Killing Christians?
Each week at The Shepherd’s Church, we preach short homilies on the law of God and have decided to share those here as a resource to the people of God. This week, the command not to kill and all that it entails.