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Law Homilies Kendall Lankford Law Homilies Kendall Lankford

Honoring Dishonorable Parents

Each week at The Shepherd’s Church, we preach short homilies on the law of God and have decided to share those here as a resource to the people of God. This week, the command to honor (even dishonorable) parents

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Kendall Lankford Kendall Lankford

What is True Beauty?

"True beauty is not in the mirror but in the soul—it's the radiance of a woman rightly ordered unto her God, clothed in dignity, fearing the Lord, and crowned with glory by her Maker."

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Kendall Lankford Kendall Lankford

Pseudo-Saviors and Surety

We’re not just risking our finances—we’re crossing a spiritual line. We’re placing ourselves where only Christ belongs.

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Eschatology, Revelation Kendall Lankford Eschatology, Revelation Kendall Lankford

Introducing Revelation

“Revelation is not a book of fear. It is a book of victory. It is the conquest of Christ, the expansion of His Kingdom with His bride, the Church, and the destruction of His enemies who get crushed beneath His feet. Every chapter declares His dominion—He reigns, He conquers, and His people overcome with Him. That is what the book of Revelation is all about.”

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Law Homilies Kendall Lankford Law Homilies Kendall Lankford

True Rest: A Taste Of Heaven

Each week at The Shepherd’s Church, we preach short homilies on the law of God and have decided to share those here as a resource to the people of God. This week, the command not to take the Sabbath as holy

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Kendall Lankford Kendall Lankford

Of Sex and Cisterns (How Adultery and Sexual Stagnancy Ruin Marriages)

Sex will either be a glory or a grave. It will either nourish and strengthen your marriage, or it will destroy and enslave. The choice is yours: will you squander this gift in reckless waste, or will you let it grow stagnant through neglect? Or will you drink deeply, rejoicing in the good gift of intimacy as God intended?

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Eschatology, Revelation Kendall Lankford Eschatology, Revelation Kendall Lankford

The Rapture Is Unbiblical

"Stop worrying about a rapture that will never happen. Stop waiting for an escape that was never promised. Stop wasting your days gazing at the sky when Christ has called you to put your hands to the plow. Take responsibility. Lead your family. Build your community. Shape the culture. Take dominion."

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Daniel Huilt Daniel Huilt

Biblical Patriarchy: Dispelling the Myths and Embracing God’s Design

Last time, I outlined the shortcomings of using “complementarianism” to summarize what Scripture teaches about manhood and womanhood, arguing for “biblical patriarchy” instead. This post explains what biblical patriarchy is and isn’t, so we can shed our negative misconceptions of patriarchy and embrace it for the blessing it is.

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Law Homilies Kendall Lankford Law Homilies Kendall Lankford

God Does Not Share

Each week at The Shepherd’s Church, we preach short homilies on the law of God and have decided to share those here as a resource to the people of God. This week, the command not to make or bow to any idols.

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Eschatology, Revelation Kendall Lankford Eschatology, Revelation Kendall Lankford

Rethinking The Rapture

"Jesus isn't coming back to rescue a defeated church—He is returning for a victorious bride. The Church is not an intermission in Jewish history. We are the Israel of God, and we are in the main event. The gates of hell do not advance against us. We are the ones who will see them fall as we march ever onward."

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Law Homilies Kendall Lankford Law Homilies Kendall Lankford

The Antidote To Envy

Each week at The Shepherd’s Church, we preach short homilies on the law of God and have decided to share those here as a resource to the people of God. This week, the command not to envy.

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Eschatology, Revelation Kendall Lankford Eschatology, Revelation Kendall Lankford

The Great Trumpet Blast

"The dispensationalists can keep looking at the sky, waiting for their heavenly airlift. They can keep sitting in their bunkers, flipping through prophecy charts, waiting for a trumpet that has already blown. But the rest of us? We go to war. We march forward. We proclaim the Gospel. We conquer the nations. We tear down every wall, every stronghold, every false kingdom, every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of Christ. Because the trumpet has sounded. The Kingdom has come. The battle belongs to the Lord. And His dominion will never end."

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Law Homilies Kendall Lankford Law Homilies Kendall Lankford

Honey Coated Lies

Each week at The Shepherd’s Church, we preach short homilies on the law of God and have decided to share those here as a resource to the people of God. This week, the command not to flatter.

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Depression Kendall Lankford Depression Kendall Lankford

Doubt Your Doubts

"The next time doubts rise up, don’t let them have the last word. Doubt your doubts instead. Challenge them with the truth of God’s Word. Speak these promises over yourself, even if your heart struggles to believe them at first. Let them drown out the noise of the chatterbox and fill your mind with the voice of your Shepherd, who calls you by name (John 10:3)."

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