#9 Critical Race Theory: Ten Reasons Why Voting Democrat is a Sin

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In those days, Israel clamored for a king so they could be like all the other cool kids on the ancient block. They had already looked at the sordid state of Samuel's sons, who had the moral fluency of Hunter Biden, and knew that a leadership shake-up was in order. And, because of this growing civil unrest, they bound themselves together to reject the Lord's leadership over the country in favor of a bright and shiny new diversity hire named Saul, who would check off all the right boxes. For instance, he was a head taller than all the other men, which made him an exclusive member of a minority sector… check! He was a Benjaminite, which meant he was part of a newly minted victim class within Israeli politics (Judges 20:35-48)... Check! Plus, he had that handsome smile and subtle head jiggle that every good politician employs when trying to win over a crowd of dunderheads and simultaneously hide the fact that they have no idea what they are doing... Triple check!

Instead of looking at his resume, character, or leadership acumen, their eyes became enamored by the external appearances. And by that metric, he seemed like the perfect candidate to rule over them. What could possibly go wrong when a group of people abandon the rule of God and choose their new leaders in this way? Yet, in their obsession with credentialing, they missed that God judges by the heart, not based on outward appearance.

Israel's demand for Saul as their king was a desperate attempt to conform to the standards of the nations surrounding them. They sought a king who would impress the world and fit into their wonky mold of leadership rather than a man who would lead them in the fear of God. This misguided choice led to a reign marked by disobedience, pride, and, ultimately, disaster for the country. Unfortunately, this is an oft-repeated story that is playing out right before our American eyes today.


Today, the same superficial obsession with outward markers dominates the upper echelons of our society—only now, it's through the lens of race and identity politics. Just as Israel chose a king based on his external attributes, our culture, driven by Critical Race Theory (CRT), elevates skin color, gender, sexual preference, and identity as the primary criteria for leadership, judgment, and societal worth. Think about what I just said; we have made the density of your melanin and who you bump genitals with the key criteria for determining whether you should hold the nuclear football. If that sounds insane to you, that's because it is. 

CRT and identity politics, like Israel's flawed king-making process, are not only rooted in nonsense but are fundamentally a rejection of God's wisdom and moral decency. Their ideas reduce the value of human life to which intersectional bucket you belong while elevating the preferred buckets and crushing others. Ironically, choosing which group of people to elevate and debase based solely on their skin tone and gender lumps modern CRT advocates in with the same group of racists that they mortally hate. By creating a new degenerate class (white, male, and Christian) with a new kind of plantation owner atop the proverbial pyramid (the woke), they have become as oppressive and as despicable as the bigot living in the big white house in the middle of the antebellum south. Except now, the big white house is on Pennsylvania Ave, and the ones in power have found a new way to be a bigot. 

Rather than recognizing the image and worth of all people, that every one of us was made in the image of God and has intrinsic value, the democrats have adopted Israel's obsession with external appearances. And, like Israel, this will be a flimsy and dangerous foundation for our society to function under and will almost certainly lead us into the same kind of collapse as them. That is unless we stop them. 


Far from trying to be extra, I am looking over the wall and seeing that mortal threats have amassed themselves on the horizon. And far from being silent about it, I am sounding the alarm and trying to wake up pious evangelicals who are too busy being stuck in the loop of "orange man bad." So, over ten weeks, I have decided to expose 10 reasons why no one should vote for the Democratic party because they are morally evil. This is especially true for Christians, who realize that everything we do should bring glory to God and should redound to worship. Over the next ten weeks, I will show ten issues where the modern democratic party has become so terrifyingly awful that casting your ballot for them would be nothing short of sin. 

Now, I know right off the top that this kind of content could get me banned from social media. I am not ignorant of the fact that Telegram's president was just arrested in France for allowing unapproved messages to abound on his platform. And I do not expect Google or YouTube will offer me a safe harbor for sharing these unapproved Biblical truths without reprisal. Apparently, it is ok if you are talking about the nuances of Christian eschatology but not ok when you apply those postmillennial truths to culture. Because of that, You will likely see content warnings on this series or community notes correcting my Biblical take on culture, and honestly, I am ok with that. So long as I have a voice, I will keep on speaking. Because I do not want to live in a world, and I do not want my children to live in a world where men knew that danger was lurking at the gates and they did nothing about it. Call me hateful, call me a bigot, lump me in with the white supremacists, I do not care. I know who I am, my family knows who I am, and my children will see that their daddy did not flee when danger reared its ugly head. And that is my hope for everyone who is watching this show!  

Now, today, we are going to be diving into Critical Race Theory, exposing it as a false gospel that is antithetical to the teachings of Scripture and is a societal poison that we must avoid at all costs. Second, we will demonstrate how the modern Democratic Party, like Israel, is obsessed with physical attributes and identity politics, which will lead our nation into the same kind of ruin that Saul brought upon Israel. Third, we will conclude by evaluating why, in light of all that has been shared, voting for the Democratic Party is not just unwise but a sin against God.

So, let us begin with what Critical Race Theory is and where it came from. 


Critical Race Theory (CRT) is more than just a 2 dollar buzzword being thrown around these days; it is a framework that critically examines how race, law, and power intersect within a society. To many, CRT might seem like an innocuous academic theory, like a mother saying, "You know how boys will be boys." But its critical racial roots dig deeply down into the Marxist soil, with a German Karl as its fertilizer. 

To understand why CRT is fundamentally flawed, we need to begin with its origins and the philosophies that shaped it, especially as it took shape among the 20th-century New York intelligentsia. 

You see, CRT had its intellectual origins in Marxist thinking. Karl Marx, a 19th-century philosopher, proposed a view that history is the continuous struggle between the oppressors (those with economic power) and the oppressed (those without it). Marx predicted that the working class (the proletariat) would eventually rise up in revolution against the powerful (the bourgeois), seizing control from the wealthy and leading to a classless utopian and socialistic society. However, this communist manifesto never materialized in the industrialized West and actually pulverized every dimwitted culture who ever dared try it. 

This confused Marxist thinkers tremendously, leading men like Antonio Gramsci to conclude it wasn't the failed system that was the problem. Like Democratic politicians who tend to fail upward, Gramsci suggested the issue was one of scale. Since Marx's eschatological vision failed in the realm of economics, the most obvious solution would be to expand the scale and apply it to everything. That ought to work, right? This kind of Whackjobbery permeating modern-day Washington represents the same kind of brilliance it would take for us to hand the presidency to a woman who failed for 3.5 years as a Vice President, exposed herself as a blithering idiot in the senate, and before that earned the nickname "heels up Harris" for sleeping her way to the top of San Franciscan politics. If someone shows themselves to be a colossal failure when given less responsibility, the solution is not to provide them with more. 

Antonio Gramsci, however, disagreed. He suggested that the reason Marx's revolution failed was because of cultural factors. He proposed that the ruling class maintains power, not just because they have all the money but because they control the social capital in a country, shaping the beliefs of the oppressed to keep them perpetually subjugated. This concept, known as cultural hegemony, was further developed by the Frankfurt School, a group of German intellectuals and sympathizers with communism who fled Nazi Germany to spread their cancerous ideas at Columbia University. They argued that the dominant culture in society is a tool used to suppress revolutionary change and, therefore, should be upended. 

As the Frankfurt School's ideas spread in the United States, particularly in law schools, it laid the groundwork for a movement known as Critical Legal Studies (CLS). CLS challenged the idea that the law is neutral and objective, arguing instead that it serves the interests of the wealthy and powerful. Notice how Marxism has burrowed down from economic theory to cultural hegemony and now into the belly of the U.S. legal system, like a tapeworm you got from bad water in Mexico. This movement directly questioned the fairness of the legal system, suggesting that laws inherently favor the wealthy and powerful at the expense of the marginalized, which ironically encouraged a generation of people to identify as victims. Turns out, when you incentivize victimhood and give people an excuse for their slothfulness, many will actually take you up on it and find some kind of virtue in being oppressed. This is precisely the toe fungus that has spread to the medulla oblongata of the American Psyche.  

Yet, this does not get us to Critical race theory just yet. Eventually, CLS became CRT, morphing into it slowly by emphasizing that the law is not just biased in economic terms but also in racial terms, which completes the harrowing journey of the parasite. The scholars who would eventually develop CRT began to argue that the legal system perpetuates racial inequalities from a powerful hegemony of white people, who have weaponized justice to remain in power and marginalize people of color. That was a mouthful. 

Now, this new race-based grift began to be formally worked through in the late 1970s and early 1980s, led by "scholars" such as Derrick Bell, Kimberlé Crenshaw, and Richard Delgado, who were frustrated by the slow progress of racial equality despite the advancements made during the Civil Rights Movement. They wanted change to happen at a faster pace, and honestly, as Christians, we can sympathize with the motivation. We want to see all people treated with dignity and value because all people, no matter their skin tone, have been made in the image of God. We recognize that color and skin tone do not increase or decrease our value because life is not a big zero-sum pie filled with melanin. As Hispanics, Indians, Slovenians, Anglo-Saxons, Aboriginals, and African Americans are all treated with dignity and value, everyone wins! As Christians, we understand this because our worldview is the only worldview that champions this kind of radical equality of personhood.

Yet, while we can sympathize with the motivation, the application Bell and others came to comes straight from the pit of hell. Bell himself introduced the concept of "interest convergence," arguing that racial progress only occurs when it aligns with the interests of the white majority—echoing Marx's idea that the ruling class acts primarily in its own interest. Kimberlé Crenshaw expanded CRT by introducing the concept of intersectionality, which examines how different forms of oppression—such as race, gender, and class—intersect and create unique experiences of discrimination. This idea allowed CRT to broaden its focus beyond race to include other aspects of identity, further aligning it with the broader Marxist critique of power structures.

But here's the flaw: Bell and Crenshaw's ideas are rooted in zero-sum thinking. They see life as a limited pie, where any gain for one group is automatically a loss for another. That's the cancer in their theories—a worldview that pits people against each other rather than recognizing that true justice lifts everyone up.

Now, since we are talking about pies, the final ingredient we need to understand, to really grasp what Critical Race Theory is, is postmodernism. As CRT developed, it absorbed ideas from postmodernist thinkers like Michel Foucault. Foucault argued that power is intimately linked with knowledge and language, suggesting that what is accepted as "truth" in any society is shaped by those in the places of power and who can shape the language. This idea resonated with CRT's critique of legal and societal structures, leading to a fusion of Marxism and postmodernism, often referred to as "Cultural Marxism."

This fusion argues that racism is not just an individual prejudice but a systemic and institutional problem embedded in the fabric of society. Thus, CRT views all social interactions through the lens of power and oppression, claiming that every aspect of society, including laws, education, culture, and language, is designed to maintain the dominance of certain groups over others and that this dynamic must be stopped.

Over the years, CRT has moved from the academic world and into broader society, being employed by institutions like the mainstream media, who peddle CRT like crack rocks in the inner city, seeking to influence the entire nation to begin thinking in this divisive and demonic way. Since its inception, it has also permeated education, criminal justice, political parties, and even wimpy evangelical leaders and denominations who flirt with CRT as a tool for understanding culture. This is why the SBC, the largest Protestant denomination in the U.S., passed a controversial resolution in 2019 that acknowledged CRT as an "analytical tool" that is subordinate to Scripture but useful for understanding culture. Essentially, the SBC upgraded the bread on their turd sandwich resolution instead of outright rejecting such odious ideas that sting the nostrils. The pressures for compromise were mounting from all directions, and the okie-dokie good old boy church wasn't masculine enough to forbid its infiltration.


Now, before beginning, let me give a quick compensatory qualifier. If I were to fully develop the Biblical arguments against CRT, we would be here for weeks. Right now, we are only going to be giving a highlight reel, and in no particular order. 

1. Denial of the Imago Dei

The Bible teaches that all humans are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27), affirming the equal value, worth, and dignity of every person. CRT denies this truth by reducing individuals to their racial or intersectional categories, making human worth contingent upon the group into which one is born. For example, when applying for a job as a pilot at Delta, your employment might be determined not by how well you can fly a plane but by which intersectional group a woke H.R. department is prioritizing. Instead of being evaluated based on performance— a combination of competency, character, and hard work—you are judged by qualities beyond your control, attributes tied to your personhood rather than your performance. This implies that some people have more inherent value than others, a view that is not only unbiblical but also reeks of the sulfuric stench of hell.

2. A False Doctrine of Sin

The Bible clearly states that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Every person, regardless of race or background, stands in desperate need of a Redeemer, and that Redeemer is Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12). Scripture teaches that all must profess allegiance to Him (Romans 10:9-10). For those who do, salvation is promised (John 3:16). CRT, however, introduces a heretical distortion by categorizing people into two unbiblical classes: perpetual victims who are beyond reproach and cannot be called to repentance—lest they be "victim-shamed"—and perpetual oppressors, marked by an indelible stain of guilt. This woke scarlet letter brands them as irredeemable.

This perverse ideology doesn't just twist the concept of sin; it invents sins where none exist. Christians know that all people have sinned, but CRT falsely accuses individuals of sins they have not committed, mainly based on the actions of their ancestors. The notion that every white person in America today is inherently racist because of historical events is not just preposterous; it is delusional. To repent of such a fabrication is to participate in a dangerous delusion, effectively bearing false witness against oneself—a grave sin in its own right (Exodus 20:16).

CRT thus manufactures a group of people who, according to its twisted logic, cannot sin, another group who cannot be forgiven, and yet another who are allowed to commit acts of violence with impunity simply because they are labeled as victims. Meanwhile, others are perpetually guilty, their ancestors' sins unjustly applied to them in perpetuity (Ezekiel 18:20). These concepts are not only wildly unbiblical, but they also serve to undermine the very foundations of Christian teaching on sin, redemption, and justice.

3. CRT Polarizes and Divides

CRT's insidious doctrine that one group can never be cleansed of their inherited guilt, even when they've done nothing to deserve it, leads to two disastrous outcomes. On one side, you have figures like Robin DiAngelo, who, in their desperate bid for woke penance, debase themselves in a spectacle reminiscent of the prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel—frantically trying to summon a cleansing fire that will never come. On the other side, those who see through this farce are driven to anger and may attend their first "white boy summer" event, reacting out of frustration and a sense of alienation. Both responses are wrong and destructive.

The Gospel, however, offers a radically different solution. Unlike CRT, which entrenches division and guilt, the Gospel of Jesus Christ proclaims that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Yet, all can be forgiven and made new in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). The Gospel transcends racial and cultural divides, uniting all believers as one body in Christ (Galatians 3:28). It calls for repentance and offers true reconciliation—first with God, and then with each other. Through the Gospel, we are not left to grovel in perpetual guilt or to react in anger and alienation; instead, we are invited into a community of grace, where sins are forgiven, identities are redeemed, and genuine healing begins. Only the Gospel can bridge the chasm that CRT widens, bringing about the peace and unity that our fractured society so desperately needs.

4. Rejection of God's Sovereignty Over Nations

According to Critical Race Theory, human history has been advanced on the backs of immutable skin tones instead of an immutable and sovereign God. The Scriptures teach us, however, that Yahweh is sovereign over all people and nations (Acts 17:26), not the godless machinations of pagans who have come up with a brand new theory. 

As it is written, 

"We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ' (2 Corinthians 10:5)."

Understanding Paul, our response to CRT should not be one of acceptance, ignorance, or allowance but of rejection and annihilation. 

5. Partiality as Sin

The Bible explicitly condemns partiality based on external factors, denouncing it as sin in James 2:9. It also condemns those who corrupt justice by using unequal weights and measures, branding such acts as an abomination before God (Proverbs 20:23). Critical Race Theory, with its vile obsession with skin color, does precisely that—it perverts justice by condemning others solely based on the hue of their skin. This isn't just a violation of Biblical justice; it's a grotesque mockery of it, spitting in the face of God's command for impartiality. CRT is not just flawed; it's a blasphemous assault on the very principles of justice that Scripture upholds.

6. Distortion of Justice

Isaiah 5:20 warns against those who dare to call evil good and good evil, and Critical Race Theory brazenly embodies this twisted inversion. CRT's perverse version of justice doesn't merely attempt to right past wrongs; it institutionalizes present-day inequities, creating a system where truth and fairness are sacrificed on the altar of revenge and power. This isn't a noble pursuit of justice—it's a cynical game of retribution that spits in the face of Biblical principles. True justice, as defined by Scripture, demands equity and righteousness for all, rooted in truth and impartiality (Leviticus 19:15). CRT, by contrast, replaces justice with a vicious cycle of blame and punishment, where the innocent are condemned, and the guilty are excused, all under the guise of correcting historical wrongs. It is a grotesque mockery of God's justice, turning His divine standards upside down in a way that can only lead to further division, chaos, and societal decay.

7. The False Gospel of CRT 

CRT presents a false gospel—a message of salvation through activism, power struggles, and perpetual penance. It is a gospel of works, where individuals must continually atone for their perceived sins of privilege without any hope of redemption. This false Gospel is destructive, leading to more division, resentment, and hopelessness.

In stark contrast, the true Gospel of Jesus Christ is a message of grace, peace, and reconciliation. It is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, regardless of race or background (Romans 1:16). The Gospel offers true freedom and redemption, breaking down the dividing walls of hostility and making peace through the blood of Christ (Ephesians 2:14-16).

The true Gospel addresses the root of all injustice—human sin—and offers the only real solution: the transformative power of Christ's death and resurrection. While CRT demands endless retribution and fosters resentment, the Gospel offers forgiveness, peace, and eternal hope.

Supporting CRT or voting for a political party that embraces it is not just unwise; it is a sin against God and His Church. As Christians, we must stand firm against this wicked ideology, exposing it for the lie that it is and proclaiming the truth of the Gospel, which alone can heal the divisions in our society and bring true justice to the world.

And that, my friends, is how we find ourselves in the Democratic party. 


Now that we've unraveled the sordid history of CRT and laid bare its utter opposition to Biblical truth on seven distinct levels, it's time to expose how this doctrine has become a cornerstone of modern-day Democratic ideology. And let's not kid ourselves—if you're unaware that the Democratic Party was the party of slavery, it's time to wake up. The same Southern Democrats who once owned slaves, mistreated them, abused them, and wielded politics as a weapon against entire pockets of the population have now traded in their whips and chains for more insidious tools: ideological and philosophical weapons that continue to tear at the fabric of our society.

Today's Democrats have mastered the art of using CRT to perpetuate division, sow discord, and pit Americans against one another in a relentless quest for power. This isn't just a political strategy—it's a moral atrocity consistent with their unholy roots. For the next few moments, let's lay out the cold, hard receipts and expose just how fervently the Democrats have embraced and weaponized this flawed and despicable ideology. 

1. Weaponizing "Racism" and Rejecting Objective Truth

Over the last several years, the Democratic Party has increasingly tied itself to the poisonous doctrine of Critical Race Theory (CRT). This framework seeks to divide and conquer by pitting Americans against each other based on gender and race. The Democrats have weaponized the term "racism" to bludgeon any opposition into submission. If you dare to uphold traditional values or even insist on objective truth in disciplines like mathematics, you risk being branded as a racist. This isn't just hyperbole—it's a chilling reality of how far the left has fallen.

Proponents of CRT have gone so far as to claim that mathematics itself upholds "white supremacy" because it values objectivity and correct answers. This absurdity reached the public's attention with articles questioning whether traditional mathematics standards contribute to racial disparities. The very fact that such a debate exists is a testament to how deeply CRT has infected our institutions. This is not just a rejection of objective truth; it's a rejection of reality itself.

Let's be clear: to label truth as "racist" is not only ignorant and myopic, but it is also an open invitation to shack up with Satan, the father of lies. The Bible is unequivocal: Jesus is "the way, the truth, and the life" (John 14:6). Any ideology that suppresses the truth, as CRT does, aligns itself with wickedness, just as the Apostle Paul warned in Romans 1:18.

2. Supporting Violent Riots While Undermining Law and Order

During the 2020 Black Lives Matter (BLM) riots, Democratic leaders like Minnesota Governor Tim Walz supported the unrest, encouraged the violence, and even advocated for the bailing out of offenders. Vice President Kamala Harris publicly supported a bail fund as well that helped release rioters. Cities were burned, businesses were destroyed, and lives were lost, yet Democratic politicians refused to condemn the violence. Instead, they portrayed the rioters as righteous crusaders for justice despite the overwhelming destruction they caused. 

The reason for these decisions is undoubtedly the result of Marxism and Critical race theory, where one group can never be right (J6 grandmas), and one group can never be wrong (the ones looting Target). The Bible, however, is clear that God is a God of order and righteous justice, which the Democrats have visibly opposed. Romans 13:1-2 also commands submission to governing authorities because God instituted them to maintain order… Not to tear it down. Furthermore, Proverbs 28:4 condemns those who praise the wicked and forsake the law, like how "the squad" called for the defunding of the police in 2020. The Democratic Party's support for violent riots and Molotov cocktails, therefore, stands in direct opposition to the Biblical call for justice and order and should be opposed, replaced, and never allowed in positions of power again. And we are just on issue number dos! 

3. Hypocrisy in Justice: January 6 vs. BLM

The Democratic Party's approach to justice has also been marked by blatant hypocrisy, particularly in the way it has treated the January 6 insurrectionators compared to the BLM and Antifa riots that lit up our nation (and were apparently immune to spreading the pangolin pestilence). While violent rioters were praised and supported for creating billions of dollars in property damage, dorks like the Q'anon shaman were led on a guided tour of the congressional chambers and may have only stolen an ink pen over the course of the day. This double standard reveals how deeply CRT has corrupted the Democratic Party's common sense and understanding of fairness and equity, which means they are not fit to lead. 

4. BLM is not for Empowering Black Lives But for Enriching Its Founders

Leaders within the Black Lives Matter movement, which has been heavily supported by the Democratic Party, have exploited the movement for personal gain. This should not be a shock because this is what all movements founded on Critical Race Theory and Socialism trend toward. Reports have shown that BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors used donations to purchase multimillion-dollar homes, showing that in her mind, only one Black Life mattered, and it wasn't the constituency who donated to the cause and supported her. She revealed herself to be a grifter, a degenerate, and the Democratic party exposed their inability to make sound judgments by supporting her. Again, a party this incompetent, greedy, and evil should be in a square prison cell and not in the Oval Office. 

5. The Poison of Ibram X. Kendi 

Ibram X. Kendi, a prominent figure whose rhetoric has been embraced by the Democratic Party, has significantly contributed to the division of American society. Kendi's ideas, particularly those found in his book How to Be an Antiracist, assert that the only remedy for past discrimination is present discrimination, and the only remedy for present discrimination is future discrimination. This framework of quid pro quo, pouring out evil on evil, not only fosters animosity and deepens societal divisions, but it will not work! Evil does not restrain evil. More evil does not reduce evil. Only the Gospel can do that, and Kendi's rhetoric is entirely devoid of that hot Gospel. 

6. The Heretical Gospel of "White Fragility"

Robin DiAngelo's White Fragility promotes a worldview where white people are perpetually guilty of racism, regardless of their actions or beliefs. And the reason that they refuse to accept this buffoonery is because the white ego is fragile and cannot take any level of critique without falling apart. Thus, if you accept the guilt they offer while being innocent, you become a liar and participate in their delusion. If you object to their foolishness, you are exposed as having fragility, which is a sure sign that you really are guilty.  

Why does this matter? Because this ideology has been embraced by the Democratic Party and widely implemented in corporate and educational training programs at the behest of woke Democratic lawmakers. This ideology offers no hope of forgiveness or reconciliation, making it a heretical gospel of hopelessness. The true Gospel, however, offers hope and redemption for all sinners, regardless of race. Romans 8:1 declares that "there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." 

Thus, the Democratic Party's embrace of DiAngelo's teachings represents a rejection of the grace and forgiveness offered by Christ, replacing it with a never-ending cycle of guilt and shame. The Democrats embrace this and, therefore, cannot be trusted with bartending, let alone leading our country.

7. The 1619 Project 

The Democratic Party has also promoted the 1619 Project, a controversial initiative led by The New York Times that seeks to rewrite American history through a CRT lens. They argue that the actual founding of America occurred in 1619, with the arrival of the first enslaved Africans, rather than in 1776, with the Declaration of Independence. The 1619 Project reduces the entire American experiment to a narrative of racial oppression, anachronistically redefining our history to support a revisionist, political narrative (which is an outright lie) 

Because of that, Proverbs 12:22 declares that "lying lips are an abomination to the Lord." The 1619 Project's revisionist history is an example of bearing false witness, which the Bible explicitly condemns and cannot be supported by Christians. Remember, if they rewrite your history to advance their agenda, they will rewrite you if you stand in their way. 

8. Racially Charged Rhetoric 

Both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have frequently used racially charged rhetoric that serves to divide rather than unite the American people. For example, Biden made the statement that if Black Americans don't support him, they "ain't Black," which is genuinely offensive and actual racism. His DEI diva, Mrs Comrade Kamala, only started advancing the narrative that she was black when it looked like it might help her in the polls. Apparently, she believes that black people are dumb, or she has been brainwashed by the CRT madness for so long that she believes people will vote for her simply because she has Jamaican genetics through her biological father. 

This rhetoric is deeply rooted in CRT, exacerbating divisions in our country to remain in power, which is ironic, to say the least. Think about it, the Democratic party is supposed to be the party of the people, not the party of the rich, influential, and powerful. Yet, while peddling this hogwash of throwing down the hegemony, they have lined their pockets with mucho denario and have amassed an insane amount of power just by sparking division. A vote for a Democrat is like playing Russian Roulette with your family. Not only is it foolish, but many people will get hurt. 

9. CRT's and American Education

CRT has infiltrated American public education at every level, from K-12 schools to higher education. The Democratic Party has championed the integration of CRT into curricula, teaching students to view the world through a lens of racial conflict and oppression. In K-12 education, this has resulted in lesson plans that categorize students by race, teaching them to see themselves either as oppressors or oppressed based on the color of their skin, which can be seen in various school district curricula across the country. 

This indoctrination extends into higher education, where CRT has influenced college admissions policies where specific demographics are favored, which has led to real injustice where students are judged not by their abilities or achievements but by their race.

10. Kamala's Intersectional Politics

Kamala Harris's selection as Vice President exemplifies the Democratic Party's prioritization of DEI and identity politics over merit. Despite her poor performance in the Democratic primaries, where she failed to gain a single vote of support, Biden chose her as his running mate primarily because she checked off a demographic box. This decision was driven by CRT's influence, where identity is valued over qualifications, and representation is prioritized over competence. 

11. "Gender Justice"

The Democratic Party has embraced CRT's denial of biological sex, particularly in its support for a hundred different genders, like Nubesgender, where you identify more with a fluffy rain cloud than your human DNA. These kinds of policies, which placate the mentally disturbed and allow unstable individuals to choose a gender based on psychotic delusions, are rooted in CRT and not reality or reason. This has led to the implementation of cockamamie policies that permit biological males to compete in women's sports and use women's restrooms or serve their sentence in a women's prison where "she" impregnates all "her" female cellmates. 

12. The Push for Reparations 

The Democratic Party has also advocated for reparations for slavery among some of the highest echelons of leadership. From men like Cory Booker, Bernie Sanders, and Julian Castro to women like Sheila Jackson Lee, Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren, Kamala Harris, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib, Marianne Williamson, and Maxine Waters all showing support for reparations. The only problem is that no one alive today perpetrated American chattel slavery and no one alive today suffered under the weight of American chattel slavery. If most people would repent of their victimhood and stop whining while living in the most economically prosperous country on earth, then they could be successful! This support for ongoing victimhood is not empathetic or acknowledging the ugly parts of our past; it is paralyzing people in intersectional oppression and rendering them permanently depressed, perpetually pissed off, and always looking for a handout. 

13. Politicizing Health Care 

Democratic leaders and public health officials repeatedly warned that COVID-19 was disproportionately deadly for Black communities. Yet, in a stunning act of hypocrisy, they cheered on Black rioters during the unrest, insisting they didn't need to wear masks—even as they claimed these very people were at the highest risk of dying from the virus. This kind of deranged, mixed-mashed thinking is a hallmark of Critical Race Theory (CRT), where logic and reason are sacrificed on the altar of ideological tomfoolery.


There are so many issues to cover, but it's time to wrap up this episode. From promoting abortion as "racial justice," where the Democratic Party twists the sanctity of life into a grotesque form of so-called "reproductive justice," to embracing anti-police rhetoric and the "defund the police" movement that leaves communities more vulnerable to chaos, the contradictions are glaring. They even go as far as celebrating sexual perversion in the name of "inclusion," promoting behaviors that are clearly condemned in Scripture. This relentless embrace of Critical Race Theory (CRT) and its offshoots isn't just misguided—it's a direct attack on Biblical truth, leading our nation down a dangerous path of moral and spiritual decay. These are just a few examples, but we could go on all day. The point is clear: any candidate who supports these ideologies is unfit to lead.


As we wrap up, I believe I've provided ample reasons why a Christian should not vote for a Democrat and why we should all question the integrity of their leadership. Democrats are not merely individuals with misguided ideas; in many ways, they are proponents of dangerous ideologies that threaten to destroy this country as swiftly as Saul's failed leadership nearly 3,000 years ago.

This discussion connects directly to the core issues I've addressed throughout this blog. From the erosion of biblical values to the embrace of policies that undermine the very fabric of our society, the Democratic Party's agenda is a stark departure from the truth and justice that Christians are called to uphold. As I've illustrated, their policies are not only harmful but also rooted in principles that directly oppose God's Word.

Looking ahead, I'll be diving into another critical topic: how public school education has been weaponized to tarnish our children, subvert our parenting, and remake this country in a godless image. It's a continuation of the battle we face in standing against the cultural forces that seek to lead us away from biblical truth.

Thank you for reading, engaging with these critical issues, and standing firm in the faith. The Lord bless you, and I look forward to continuing this journey together as we confront these challenges head-on.


The Clawing Away Of Theft


Avoiding the Cultural Cop Out: Dealing with Difficult Commands in the New Testament