The Shepherd’s blog.
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Ten Reasons Why Voting Democrat Is A Sin: The Introduction
"Over the next ten weeks, I will be giving 10 specific examples of how and why voting Democrat is not a morally neutral action but is, in fact, sinning against God. We will talk about Climate Change, Critical Race Theory, Open Borders, Conversion Therapy, Religious Liberty, Education, Secularism and Socialism, Gender Transitions, the LGBTQ mafia, and the systematic genocide of children through abortion."
Forgetting the Past and Focusing on the Future
Recently, we have been examining the theme of identity in Christ looking at Job’s wife and the woman who anointed Jesus. While not everyone can relate to them, we are all exhorted with the bride in Psalm 45 to forget the past, submit to Christ, and focus on the future.
Cessationism: The Shepherd’s Church Distinctives (Part 9)
In this new series, we are talking about what makes TSC distinct and what are our Biblical values as a Church. In this ninth article, we explore how a cessationist approach to the Scripture is the correct, Biblical, and proper hermeneutical approach, and who we are as The Shepherd’s Church.
How To Make America Christian Again: A Call For Christians To Enter Leadership
Each week at The Shepherd’s Church, we preach short homilies on the law of God and have decided to share those here as a resource to the people of God. This week, the Christian duty to be leaders in obedience to the faith command..
Gospel Centered & Confrontational: The Shepherd’s Church Distinctives (Part 8)
In this new series, we are talking about what makes TSC distinct and what are our Biblical values as a Church. In this eighth article, we explore how a Gospel-centered approach must be coupled with a commitment to confrontational ministry is the Biblical approach, and who we are as The Shepherd’s Church.
Seeing the Person not the Past
Last time, we looked at how Job’s wife is often judged harshly based solely on her darkest moment. While we cannot know for sure that she repented, a story in the life of Jesus of a clearly-repentant woman leaves no room for speculation and warns us against judging by appearances.
He Gave You Six Days
Each week at The Shepherd’s Church, we preach short homilies on the law of God and have decided to share those here as a resource to the people of God. This week, the Christian duty to Sabbath
Defined By Our Darkest Day
Job’s wife has long been viewed negatively, but is that a fair assessment? This post will examine what her statement, Job’s response, and the context really say about her, which will give us great reason to hope.
How Revelation Proves Postmillennialism
“Revelation is the apocalyptic account of Jesus’ Olivet Discourse. It is the visionary version of Jesus’ prophecy of the downfall of Jerusalem and the birth of the New Testament Church. This postmillennial perspective offers a hopeful and victorious outlook on the future, affirming that Jesus' kingdom has come and is expanding, and will ultimately cover the entire world, fulfilling the prophecy of Revelation and the promises of Scripture."
New Proverbs Sermon Series Begins Soon!
What does it mean to live for Christ in all of life? How does our love for Jesus impact the way we live? Where would God call us to grow? And how can we live a life that is not only pleasing to God, but is a blessing to us, our families, and our future legacy? All of this and more we intend to cover in our new sermon series called: “Provbers: A Life Well Lived.” Join us on Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM to find out more!
Taking God in Vain
Each week at The Shepherd’s Church, we preach short homilies on the law of God and have decided to share those here as a resource to the people of God. This week, the act of taking God in vain.
True Hate Speech
Why does God do what He does? God’s ways and thoughts are above us, but He has revealed much in His Word. One reason He does what He does is repeated 72 times in Ezekiel: that both God’s people and those around them would know that He is God.
Discipleship-Centric: The Shepherd’s Church Distinctives (Part 7)
In this new series, we are talking about what makes TSC distinct and what are our Biblical values as a Church. In this seventh article, we explore how a discipleship-centric approach is the Biblical approach, and who we are as The Shepherd’s Church.
The Defiling of Worship
Each week at The Shepherd’s Church, we preach short homilies on the law of God and have decided to share those here as a resource to the people of God. This week, the defiling of worship through images.
They Shall Know: One Reason God Does What He Does
Why does God do what He does? God’s ways and thoughts are above us, but He has revealed much in His Word. One reason He does what He does is repeated 72 times in Ezekiel: that both God’s people and those around them would know that He is God.
Expositional and Exegetical: The Shepherd’s Church Distinctives (Part 6)
In this new series, we are talking about what makes TSC distinct and what are our Biblical values as a Church. In this sixth article, we explore how our exposition and exegetical approaches to Scripture and p eating is the only right way, and who we are as The Shepherd’s Church.
Killing Fear
Each week at The Shepherd’s Church, we preach short homilies on the law of God and have decided to share those here as a resource to the people of God. This week, the idol of fear and how to kill it.
The Rise Of The New World
"Instead of allowing these two competing visions of human redemption to exist side by side forever, God publicly and decisively removed the former and established the latter as the way, the truth, and the life so that no one could come to the Father by Judaism, but only ever by Jesus Christ."
Our Brother’s Keeper: The Sin Of Causing Others To Stumble
Despite our individualistic culture, Scripture is clear that since we are in the Body of Christ, we are our Christian brothers’ and sisters’ keepers. This post will examine our responsibility in keeping other saints from stumbling to discern when exercising our Christian liberty becomes sinful.
Sacramental Worship: The Shepherd’s Church Distinctives (Part 5)
In this new series, we are talking about what makes TSC distinct and what are our Biblical values as a Church. In this fifth article, we explore how our sacramental theology informs who we are as The Shepherd’s Church.