#7 Open Borders: Ten Reasons Why Voting Democrat is a Sin

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In recent years, the topic of open borders has been framed as an act of compassion and humanitarianism, with media narratives often focusing on heart-wrenching images of children in cages and families fleeing poverty. While these portrayals evoke sympathy, the truth behind open borders is far more complex—and far more concerning. What you’ve been told is largely a manipulated story designed to tug at your heartstrings, while obscuring a deeper agenda.

The reality of open borders is not a story of kindness, but a deliberate strategy that undermines the very foundation of our nation. What seems like a compassionate effort to aid those in need is, in fact, a coordinated attack on national sovereignty.

But beyond the political, we must also ask: what does the Bible have to say about this issue? Does Scripture offer any insight into how we should view borders, immigration, and the role of government? Today, we will delve into the biblical case against open borders and discover how God's design for governance, security, and justice is being directly challenged by these policies.

By the end of this discussion, it will become clear that supporting open-border policies and voting for those who champion them is not just a political misstep—it is a sin against both your country and your God. Let’s dig into the truth.


The concept of open borders, often disguised as humanitarianism and inclusion, is far from a recent phenomenon. This agenda, while presented as compassionate, is a deeply rooted political tool aimed at destabilizing nations. To fully understand the implications of today's immigration policies, it's essential to trace their origins and motivations, which are grounded in both Marxist and globalist ideologies, each seeking to dismantle national sovereignty for the sake of control and centralization of power.

The intellectual foundation for open borders can be traced back to 19th-century Marxist theory. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels laid the groundwork for class warfare, emphasizing the need to create social unrest as a precursor to revolution. They argued that national boundaries were tools of the bourgeoisie, used to divide and weaken the global working class. Marx’s rallying cry, “Workers of the world, unite!” encapsulated his belief that true revolution could only occur if workers transcended national identities and united across borders.

While Marx never explicitly advocated for open borders as we understand them today, the dismantling of national borders was implied as part of his broader revolutionary framework. Marx viewed the state and its laws as instruments of the ruling class, designed to maintain power and suppress the proletariat. For Marxists, borders were artificial constructs that kept the working class divided, thus preventing the global revolution they envisioned.

Fast forward to the 20th century, and we see Marxist intellectuals like Antonio Gramsci refining this strategy. Gramsci’s theory of cultural hegemony stressed the importance of undermining a society’s values and institutions from within. Gramsci didn’t need to call directly for open borders; his theories empowered those who sought to weaken national identity and social cohesion, often by promoting unchecked immigration as a means to dilute cultural unity.

In the U.S. today, these Marxist ideas have permeated far-left political movements, which advocate for open borders under the guise of compassion and justice. However, the effects of mass immigration—particularly when poorly managed—often result in economic and social instability, which Marxists see as fertile ground for revolution. Studies show that illegal immigration drives down wages, particularly for low-income workers. According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, illegal immigration has a disproportionately negative effect on wages in industries like construction, agriculture, and hospitality—industries often occupied by native-born workers with lower levels of formal education. The chaos created by this wage suppression provides the Marxist left with opportunities to argue for more government control and intervention under the pretense of protecting the working class.

While Marxist theories laid the ideological groundwork for dismantling national borders, globalism has been the mechanism for putting these ideas into practice. Globalist thinkers, particularly in the 20th century, envisioned a world without national borders, where global governance would replace the sovereignty of individual states. This idea, famously promoted by figures like H.G. Wells, who spoke of a “New World Order,” viewed national borders as obstacles to global unity.

Globalism seeks to concentrate power in the hands of international institutions such as the United Nations, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund. These organizations, while ostensibly designed to promote cooperation and economic stability, have often been used to weaken the independence of nation-states. George Soros, a major proponent of open borders, has openly stated that “state sovereignty must be subordinated to international law and institutions.” Soros and other globalist elites view the dissolution of national borders as a means to consolidate power in the hands of a few, rendering individual nations less capable of defending their own interests.

The U.S. has increasingly found itself subject to these pressures. The push for open borders, heavily supported by Democratic leaders, aligns with the globalist vision of reducing national sovereignty in favor of international governance. The 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act, signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson, was a critical turning point. Prior to this act, U.S. immigration policy was based on national origin quotas, designed to preserve the country's cultural and demographic balance. The 1965 Act eliminated these quotas, leading to a dramatic shift in the makeup of the American population over the following decades. Johnson promised that the law would not significantly alter American demographics—a promise that was quickly broken.

Between 1970 and 2015, the foreign-born population of the United States grew from 4.7% to 13.5%. This massive influx, largely from non-European countries, transformed the cultural and political landscape of the nation. While immigration has long been a source of American strength, the scale and lack of assimilation encouraged by the post-1965 policies have posed significant challenges to social cohesion.

The consequences of open-border policies extend far beyond mere demographic shifts. Illegal immigration places enormous strain on public services, especially in border states like Texas and Arizona, where schools, hospitals, and law enforcement are overwhelmed by the influx of undocumented immigrants. A 2020 report from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) estimates that illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers $132 billion annually—a figure that continues to rise. These costs include public education, healthcare, law enforcement, and welfare services, all of which are strained by the growing number of immigrants who contribute little in taxes but require substantial public support.

The Democrats’ support for these policies goes hand-in-hand with their broader political strategy. By flooding the country with new populations, the Democratic Party has effectively shifted the electorate. The goal is clear: create a new voting bloc that will be dependent on government services and, therefore, more likely to support the party that promises to provide them. This is no conspiracy theory; it is the logical outcome of policies that have consistently favored open borders and mass amnesty programs.

The cultural consequences are equally significant. A 2019 Pew Research Center study found that 44% of Americans believe immigrants are changing the country for the worse, particularly in terms of cultural values and social norms. This reflects a growing unease among many Americans who feel that their communities are being transformed in ways that threaten the cohesion and identity of the nation. While legal immigration, when managed properly, can enrich a society, the rapid and unregulated influx of people who do not share the nation’s history, language, or values can lead to social fragmentation.

Under the Biden-Harris administration, the open-borders agenda has reached new heights. The reversal of Trump-era policies, such as the halting of the border wall and the termination of the "Remain in Mexico" policy, has resulted in a record-breaking surge in illegal crossings. In 2021 alone, over 1.7 million illegal immigrants crossed the southern border, the highest number ever recorded. The administration's refusal to enforce immigration laws has created a humanitarian crisis, with illegal immigrants overwhelming border patrol agents and causing public services in border states to buckle under the strain.

This crisis is not the result of incompetence or mismanagement—it is a deliberate political strategy. By creating chaos at the border, the Biden administration is furthering the Democratic Party’s long-term goal of transforming the electorate, expanding government control, and aligning the U.S. with globalist interests.


When we examine the Bible, we see that nations, borders, and governments are part of God’s divine design for order and justice in the world. While many today argue for open borders in the name of compassion and unity, the Bible presents a clear framework that emphasizes the importance of national sovereignty, the role of government, and the need for maintaining secure boundaries. The loss of borders is often depicted as a curse or judgment from God, signaling the withdrawal of His protection and favor. In this episode, we will explore these biblical principles to show that open borders contradict God’s design for nations.

God’s Design for Nations

God’s creation of nations is part of His overarching plan for order in the world. Acts 17:26 states, “And He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place.” This passage reveals that nations and their borders are not arbitrary human constructs but divinely ordained. God determines not only the time periods in which nations rise and fall but also the specific boundaries that define them.

Throughout the Bible, we see that borders play a crucial role in the life of nations. In Deuteronomy 32:8, it says, “When the Most High gave to the nations their inheritance, when He divided mankind, He fixed the borders of the peoples.” This division was not random but purposeful, ensuring that nations had their own space to govern, develop, and flourish under God’s guidance. The biblical narrative affirms that borders are essential for maintaining peace, order, and justice. Nations are called to respect their borders and those of their neighbors.

The Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20 commands believers to “go and make disciples of all nations.” The church is tasked with reaching across borders to bring the gospel to every nation, but this does not mean dissolving national boundaries. Christians are called to disciple nations, not erase them. God’s plan is not for a borderless global society but for distinct nations to be governed according to His principles.

Nations That Lost Their Borders as Judgment

The Bible provides numerous examples of nations and cities that lost their borders as part of God’s judgment on them. These losses were not merely political defeats but signs of God’s curse and the removal of His protection.

Jericho (1406 B.C.) 

Jericho was the first city to fall as Israel entered the Promised Land. Its walls were miraculously brought down by God’s power, symbolizing His judgment on the Canaanites for their longstanding wickedness (Joshua 6). The obliteration of Jericho’s borders was a sign that God had removed His protection, allowing Israel to conquer the city. Joshua’s curse on anyone who attempted to rebuild the city (Joshua 6:26) emphasized that Jericho’s destruction was not just a military defeat but a spiritual judgment.

Nineveh (612 B.C.) 

The capital of the Assyrian Empire, Nineveh, was prophesied to be destroyed because of its extreme violence and cruelty (Nahum 1-3). When the Babylonians and Medes invaded, Nineveh’s borders were completely erased. The city was left in ruins, marking divine judgment on Assyria for its sins. Nahum 3 portrays the destruction as God’s response to Nineveh’s arrogance and oppression of other nations, and the erasure of its borders signified the removal of God’s favor.

Samaria (722 B.C.) 

The Northern Kingdom of Israel, with its capital in Samaria, fell to the Assyrians as punishment for their idolatry and rebellion against God (2 Kings 17). Samaria’s borders were breached, and its people were exiled, marking the end of the northern kingdom. The loss of its borders was both a political and spiritual judgment, signaling that God had withdrawn His protection because of their disobedience.

Jerusalem (586 B.C.) 

The capital of Judah was destroyed by the Babylonians under King Nebuchadnezzar. This event fulfilled the warnings of prophets like Jeremiah, who predicted that the city’s walls would be breached because of Judah’s idolatry and rejection of God’s commands (2 Kings 25). The destruction of Jerusalem’s borders symbolized God’s removal of His covenantal blessings and protection, leading to the exile of the Jewish people.

Edom (586 B.C.) 

The nation of Edom, which had long been hostile toward Israel, was cursed for its arrogance and betrayal during Jerusalem’s fall. Obadiah prophesied that Edom’s borders would be erased by invading forces as punishment for gloating over Judah’s destruction (Obadiah 1:10-14). The erasure of Edom’s borders was a sign of divine judgment for their failure to help their “brother” nation.

Jerusalem (70 A.D.) 

Jesus prophesied the destruction of Jerusalem in Luke 21:20-24, which was fulfilled in 70 A.D. when the Romans, led by General Titus, razed the city and tore down its walls. This event marked the end of the Second Temple period and was a divine judgment on Israel for rejecting the Messiah. The destruction of Jerusalem’s borders was not just a military defeat but a spiritual curse, showing that God had removed His protective presence from the nation.

The Curse of Losing Borders

The loss of borders in biblical terms represents more than just a political defeat—it signifies God’s withdrawal of protection, favor, and covenant blessings. Throughout the Old Testament, boundaries and walls were not only physical structures but also symbols of divine provision and security. When God promised the Israelites the land of Canaan, the boundaries of that land were sacred and part of the covenant between God and His people (Deuteronomy 19:8-9).

In Deuteronomy 28 and Leviticus 26, God outlines the curses that will come upon Israel if they disobey His commandments. Among these curses is the loss of their borders and the invasion of foreign nations. Deuteronomy 28:49-52 says:

“The LORD will bring a nation against you from far away, from the end of the earth… They will besiege you in all your towns until your high and fortified walls, in which you trusted, come down throughout your land.”

The collapse of walls and borders signals God’s judgment for covenant unfaithfulness. The loss of borders represents the stripping away of the blessings tied to obedience, leaving the nation vulnerable to enemy invasion and destruction. Without God’s favor, the enemies of Israel had free access to the land, demonstrating that God had removed His hand of protection.

Similarly, Leviticus 26 warns of the consequences of disobedience, including exile and conquest. In verses 17 and 33, God promises to scatter the Israelites among the nations and allow their cities to be ruined. The destruction of borders and the scattering of the people were visible signs of God’s judgment. When a nation’s borders were breached, it was defenseless, exposed to chaos and foreign domination, and no longer under God’s covenantal care.

Borders as Blessing vs. Borders as Curse

In the Bible, borders are often depicted as a blessing from God. The boundaries of the Promised Land were a divine gift to Israel, intended to create a safe and defined space where God’s people could live under His law. Losing those borders was a sign of God’s displeasure, judgment, and abandonment.

The destruction of borders leads to several devastating consequences:

  1. Foreign Domination – Invaders conquer and plunder the land, as seen with the Assyrian and Babylonian invasions of Israel and Judah.

  2. Loss of Identity – When borders are breached, the people are scattered, losing their national identity and culture, as happened to Israel during the Assyrian exile.

  3. Divine Judgment – The destruction of borders shows that God’s covenant has been broken, leaving the nation vulnerable and without His protection.

This curse motif runs throughout the Bible, emphasizing that disobedience to God results in the loss of national security, spiritual blessings, and identity. A nation that loses its borders is cursed, no longer under the care of the Lord, and vulnerable to external enemies and chaos.

The Church as the Only Borderless Nation

In Revelation 22, we see the final image of God’s plan for His people. The vision of the New Jerusalem, with the tree of life that brings healing to the nations, represents the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promises. The church, symbolized by the tree of life, is a borderless nation that transcends all earthly boundaries. It offers healing, salvation, and nourishment to all nations, and it is the only nation that exists without borders.

The church is a spiritual nation, the new people of God, whose mission is to go into all the nations and make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20). This is the only “open-border” nation in the biblical sense—God’s holy nation that transcends political and national boundaries to bring the gospel to the world. Revelation 22 presents the New Jerusalem with gates that are always open, signifying that the nations can come in and go out freely. However, this openness is reserved for the church, the eternal kingdom of God.

Earthly nations, by contrast, are still under God’s design for boundaries, protection, and governance. While the church exists to feed and nourish the nations spiritually, the earthly nations must maintain borders for the sake of order, justice, and security. The open gates of the New Jerusalem reflect the spiritual nature of the church, but this reality does not negate the biblical necessity of borders for earthly nations.

The Bible presents a clear case for the importance of national borders, governments, and sovereignty. Nations are part of God’s divine plan for order, and their borders are established by Him. Throughout Scripture, the loss of borders is depicted as a curse and a sign of God’s judgment on disobedient nations. The destruction of borders signifies the removal of God’s protection, leaving a nation exposed to enemies and chaos.

While the church is the only "borderless" nation, tasked with bringing the gospel to all people, earthly nations are still required to maintain boundaries for the sake of justice, security, and order. Open borders contradict God’s design for nations and undermine the role of government, fostering lawlessness and instability. As Christians, we are called to uphold the biblical principles of sovereignty, justice, and compassion—principles that affirm the necessity of secure borders for the flourishing of nations.


Alright, friends, let’s wrap this up. Today, we’ve walked through a deep exploration of open borders—from the historical roots of destabilization to the current crisis fueled by dangerous ideologies. But more than that, we’ve uncovered the biblical framework for nations, borders, and the role of government. This is not merely a political debate—it’s a matter of aligning ourselves with God’s design for justice, order, and protection.

Throughout Scripture, borders are presented as divinely ordained, and the loss of borders as a sign of God’s judgment. Nations are part of God’s sovereign plan for the world, established to maintain peace, order, and justice. Just as the Bible shows that tearing down the walls of Jericho or Jerusalem was a form of divine judgment, today, the push for open borders reflects a rebellion against God’s order for nations. The chaos, lawlessness, and instability that follow are exactly what Scripture warns us will happen when we disregard God’s boundaries.

But we, as Christians, are called to something higher: to uphold the principles of justice and righteousness that God has laid out. In Acts 17:26, we see that God made nations and their borders to preserve order, just as Deuteronomy 32:8 reminds us that borders are part of His divine plan. When governments fail to maintain this order, they fail their God-given purpose. And as Christians, we must recognize this truth and reject policies—like open borders—that threaten the security, sovereignty, and flourishing of nations.

Now, here’s the call to action. We cannot remain passive or silent. We’ve got to take a stand for God’s design for nations and borders, not only for the sake of justice and order but for the protection of our families, communities, and our nation as a whole. The push for open borders undermines everything God has established for governance, and we must be vigilant in ensuring that our leaders reflect the biblical values we hold dear.

So, what can we do?

  1. Vote with Wisdom and Conviction. Don’t cast your vote for candidates or parties, like the Democrats, that promote open borders under the guise of compassion. Instead, vote for leaders who stand for justice, security, and the biblical principles that uphold the sovereignty of nations.

  2. Speak the Truth Boldly. Share this message with others. The battle we are in is one of truth versus deception. It’s not just a matter of political preference but standing for God’s order in a world bent on chaos.

  3. Be a Voice for Biblical Values. Consider joining and supporting communities that produce content exposing these dangerous ideologies and that fight for the truth. Whether it’s this channel or other resources, your involvement amplifies the message.

  4. Pray for God's Guidance. Most importantly, let’s lift this nation and its leaders up in prayer. Pray for a return to biblical principles in governance and for God’s protection over our borders and our people.

Friends, the stakes couldn’t be higher. God has entrusted us with the responsibility to uphold justice, order, and security. As we face the forces pushing for open borders and a borderless world, let us stand firm on the foundation of biblical truth. Let’s continue to fight for the values that God has laid out for nations and protect the future of this country and our families.

Thanks for sticking with me through this discussion, and let’s continue standing together for truth, justice, and security—both in this life and in faithfulness to God's Word.


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