New Members Class 2
So excited to be gathering for another round of membership meetings. In this second class, prospective members will learn what the mission of The Shepherd’s Church is and why that mission is so critical. Join us to learn more!

New Members Class 1
So excited to be gathering for another round of membership meetings. In this first class, prospective members will learn why membership is so important to the health and life of a church as well as the doctrines that make The Shepherd’s Church an explicitly Biblical church. Join us for week 1 as we dive into these things together.

Lord’s Day Services Canceled
Because of intimate weather, Lord’s day services have been cancelled.

Prayer Nights
Every week we are going to gather and pray as a congregation! Join us on Wednesday’s at The Shepherd’s Church at 6:30 PM

Prayer Nights
Every week we are going to gather and pray as a congregation! Join us on Wednesday’s at The Shepherd’s Church at 6:30 PM

Prayer Nights
Every week we are going to gather and pray as a congregation! Join us on Wednesday’s at The Shepherd’s Church at 6:30 PM

Prayer Nights
Every week we are going to gather and pray as a congregation! Join us on Wednesday’s at The Shepherd’s Church at 6:30 PM

TSC Potluck!
On November 21st, right after service, we will have a church wide feast filled with joy, myrth, and hearty fellowship! Bring whatever crockpot, precooked, or no cook meal you would serve to a royal or foreign dignitary and join us as we celebrate God's good gift of fellowship!

Spirit And Truth Movie Night
ON NOVEMBER 19th 2021, AT 7:00 PM @The Shepherd's Church, you are cordially invited to join The Shepherd's Church as we have a movie night dedicated to worship. This film (Spirit & Truth) was so important to who we became as a church that we wanted to show it to everyone!

Christmas Box Collection
We are collecting ALL boxes this weekend and next! If you have a box you would like to turn in, bring it to the church this weekend. If you still want to grab a box and put one together, you still have time!

The Giving Tree
The Giving Tree is an opportunity for us to care for local families this Christmas! See Paula for more information.