Philosophy of ministry.
Why we do what we do.
Our mission
why we exist
The Shepherd’s Church exists to glorify God together through the 1) preaching, 2) singing, 3) hearing, and 4) doing of His Word.
Our values
who we are
We are unapologetically Biblical, missional, relational, Gospel-centric, discipleship focused, and worship according to the regulative principle.
Our structure
how we are
The Shepherd’s Church recognizes two roles within the church that are set forth in Scripture. The elder, who provides spiritual leadership. And the deacon who provides practical leadership.
Want more?
Below you will find additional information on our mission, values, and structure.
Our mission - why we exist.
The Shepherd’s Church exists to glorify God together through the preaching, singing, hearing, and doing of His Word.
Glorifying God Together
1 Corinthians 10:31 teaches us that everything we do must be done for the glory of God. That most certainly includes how we gather as the people of God and how we worship Him together when we gather. Our goal is not to throw a great party on the weekend, our goal is to honor God with our gathering. How do we intend to do that?
Through Biblical Preaching
Romans 1:16 says that the Gospel is the power of God (nothing else). That is why we preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ every single week and expect God will use it to save those who are perishing and build up those who are His. We believe a church that faithfully preaches the Word of God glorifies God greatly! But it does not end there. We also believe that God is glorified…
Through Faithful Singing
Faithful churches rejoice in what God has done and offer their gratitude back to God through song. This is also, as Colossians 3:16 teaches us, one of the primary ways that God’s Word gets down into us. For both reasons, it is imperative that we are singing Biblically faithful, theologically accurate, and well chosen psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Which leads to our final way of glorifying God together as a church. And that is…
Through Hearing and Doing
James 1:22 tells us that preaching and singing is not enough. We must take what we have heard on Sunday and take what we have sung in our gatherings and apply it in our lives. When a church does that, she will accomplish her one true purpose, which is bringing glory and honor to our great God!
Our Distinctives - who we are.
Biblical and Regulated
The Shepherd’s Church strives to think, act, and make decisions with chapter and verse in mind. We do only what Scripture prescribes for worship. (John 4:23)
We gather on Sunday’s to be equipped so that we can scatter to go on mission. We are a church filled with missionaries. (Acts 1:8)
We were made for relationship with God and other believers. Thus, we foster environments where relationships can flourish. (Hey. 10:24-25)
There is nothing more powerful on this side of heaven than the Gospel. It spills into and out of everything we do. (Ro. 1:16)
Christians are not meant to consume church. Christians are bought and paid for by Jesus to be equipped, discipled, and sent out to make more disciples. This is a mandate for all believers (Mt. 28:18-20)
To learn more about our values, check out our blog series called DISTINCTIVES.
Our structure - how we are.
According to the Scriptures, there are two kinds of leaders that God has set apart to serve in the church. Elders function as the pastoral and spiritual leadership for the church and deacons serve as the practical nuts and bolts ministry leaders within the church.
With that, the Shepherd’s Church, in accordance with Scripture, is spiritually and pastorally organized around the leadership of faithful, mature, and qualified male elders.
Elder’s at The Shepherd’s Church must undergo a rigorous and Biblical 27 point character assessment process (as outlined in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1), as well as a seminary level education, before being equipped to serve our congregation. These men are called by God to teach, lead, shepherd, and serve, and we treat their installation with great care that is blanketed in much prayer.
An elder is not
A new convert, self-willed, quick tempered, fond of sordid gain, addicted to wine, and not pugnacious.
An elder is
Temperate, prudent, respectable, hospitable, gentle, peaceable man, who is free from the love of money, loves what is good, is sensible, just, devout, and self-controlled.
An elder’s family is
Managed well to the glory of God. He is the faithful husband of one wife, who is flourishing under his leadership. And, he is a present faithful father with children who are growing in obedience and belief in the Gospel under his care.
An elder’s standing is
That he is well known in the community, above reproach in his life and character, and is a faithful example of Christ for the community to imitate.
Thus, an elder is called to
Teach and disciple the congregation according to the Word, to perform the role of a pastor for the flock of God, hold fast to the Word, safeguard the community to hold fast to the Word, and above all, the man must have a Biblical desire and calling to serve in this role.
Like elders, deacons are also set apart for the work of ministry within the church (as outlined in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 2).
What deacons are
Deacons are men who have been tested for their character and service and have been set apart to serve the practical and physical needs of the church.
Deacons are
Dignified men within the community, who embody godly masculinity, and seek to imitate Christ in all of life. They are men who love the Word, hold fast to Biblical doctrine, disciple younger men, and live with a clean heart before the Lord.
A Deacon’s family
Deacons are faithful and righteous husbands, good managers within their homes, and godly parents who will raise their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord.
The Blessing of being a deacon
For those who serve in this role well, Paul teaches us that they will obtain an honored position in the community. This position will not abound for their material gain, but will increase their confidence in Christ, strengthen their faith, and will be for their spiritual gain so long as they faithfully serve.
In Sum…
To put it simply, deacons are set apart for work in the church. They have excellent character. They bless the community through their labors. And, in turn, they are also greatly blessed by Christ for their service.