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Men Need Biblical Counseling
“The United States has a men’s mental health crisis, with four times as many men committing suicide as women. Men don’t seek help when struggling with things like depression and anxiety at least in part because therapy is just as alienating to men as the rest of our feminized society. Instead, this post shows how…”
Addressing Anxiety Biblically
“Like depression, anxiety is a pervasive problem in both our society and our churches, so we need to address it biblically. This post addresses anxiety from Scripture.”
The Truly Successful Pastor
“Last time we talked about the downfall of Mark Driscoll, Rob Bell, and Ravi Zacharias. Were they merely bad apples or do they indicate a much larger problem? This post examines that question then defines successful pastoral ministry in God’s terms rather than human terms.”
When The Pastor Strays
“I recently addressed the topic of church conflict, including how to address situations where pastors are in error, the need for pastors like all leaders to set the example, and what faithfully upholding the pastoral office looks like. This post expands on that by looking at the downfall of some high-profile Christian leaders in recent…”
The High Calling Of A Pastor
“Many people don’t have a full understanding of what the job of the pastor entails–even many pastors. This post looks more holistically at the high and noble pastoral calling using 1 Peter 5 and Richard Baxter’s book “The Reformed Pastor.”
Dealing With Church Conflict
“This is the second post dealing with division in the church. The first post dealt with the sin that leads to division in the church–a lack of love for our fellow saints and therefore a lack of love for Christ. This post deals with the practical implications of this to all church conflicts, including how…”
A Sure Sign Of Division
“Jesus made very clear that if we do not love our brothers and sisters in Christ, we really don’t love Him. It is impossible to love God and simultaneously hate the Church or anyone in it–especially the leaders God has placed over the local church. In this post, we will see how grave of a…”
How Should Christians Approach Suicide?
“Like depression, suicide is a major problem in our society and our churches. The Gospel gives hope strong enough to overcome suicidal thoughts, so we must counter the lies of suicidal thoughts with the truths of Scripture.”
Overcoming Persistent Darkness (Lessons on Depression from Elijah)
“Depression is a growing problem both in society and in the church, but throughout history saints have struggled with it. This post looks at depression and how to respond to it biblically from the story of Elijah.”
Wise And Glorious Home Builder: The Role Of The Godly Wife
“We have seen that the distinction between men and women was created by God as very good and that the roles within marriage come from the mission that God has called each person to fulfill in advancing the Cultural Mandate and Great Commission. We then looked at the husband’s duty to shepherd his family as…”
Christ-Like Shepherd: The Role Of A Godly Husband
“God created mankind as distinctively male and female, so those distinctions are very good. He created men and women to fulfill different yet complementary roles so that together they could advance the Cultural Mandate and Great Commission. Within that context, this post looks at the roles of the husband as clearly revealed in Scripture.”
Balancing On The Roof: The Purpose Of Roles In Marriage
“The equal value yet distinct roles of male and female were created by God in the beginning as very good. When couples fulfill these roles well, they display to the world the beauty of marriage as it was meant to be. Before we look at specific roles, we need understand their greater purpose. This post…”
Love and Respect: Rediscovering the Beauty of Biblical Marriage and Gender
“God created men and women in His image, alike in dignity yet distinct in roles. Many churches follow our society’s warped understanding of gender that sees the innate distinction between men and women as an ugly remnant of the oppressive patriarchy. Instead, this post will show how they are part of God’s pre-Fall creation and…”
Overflowing Gratitude: The Heart of Christian Generosity
“In the previous post, I argued that the concept of the tithe continues in that Christians are still obligated to give adequate financial support to the local church. But out of gratitude for all that God has given us–especially Jesus Christ–we should be generous above and beyond our obligation to the local church, not only…”
Robbing God? Should Christian’s Tithe?
“The American Church like the Jews of Malachi’s day lacks a healthy fear of God that causes us to neglect to give our best to God. This post traces the tithe from the Old Testament into the New, where we find that the tithe was not abolished by Christ but merely changed recipients from the…”
Restoring The Fear Of The Lord
“The American Church like the Jews of Malachi’s time has neglected a healthy fear of God, which leads us to cheapen or completely disregard proper worship, the supremacy of Scripture, the importance of holiness, a dignified view of marriage, and a consciousness of the final judgment. The American Church must restore a right view of…”
Contentment: Paul’s Secret To Facing Any Situation
“In Philippians 4, Paul says he has found the secret to being content in any circumstance, so this post looks at what true Christian contentment looks like and how we can achieve it through the strength that Jesus Christ provides, which is the true meaning of the often-misquoted Philippians 4:13.”
Open Hands: How To Respond To God’s Blessings
“In our sinful nature and limited perspective, we can approach God’s blessings wrongly just as we can approach trials wrongly. We can fall prey to the temptation to act as if we deserve God’s blessings, but the prolonged pain of deferred blessings can also cause us to resist those blessings when they do come. Instead,…”
Building God’s Kingdom Through Family
“With the apparent decline of Christianity in America, it is tempting to despair. However, we need to look beyond our current circumstances to what God is doing throughout the world and over many generations. This post looks at how God is accomplishing His promise to Abraham (and by extension to us) through families, giving a…”
The Real Enemy Of God’s People
“Who is the enemy of God’s people? In the Old Testament, only one man has the title of “the enemy of the Jews”. By studying him and his arch nemesis, we can see who our real enemy is and how to combat it.”