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How To Make America Great Again In Nine Biblical Steps
“if you want a Christian culture, forget American politics. That is as fruitful as drowning yourself under a waterfall. Instead, if you wish for Massachusetts, California, Washington, Nevada, Montana, and all the rest of these fifty states, to bow the knee to the Lord Jesus Christ, then put down your politics, lay down your mail-in ballots, and grab a shovel. We have work to do!”
Division Is The Point.
“Perhaps if we would preach like Jonah, weep like Jeremiah, if we would repent like Nebuchadnezzar, or stand firm against God's enemies like Samson; If we would worship as ardently as David, or employ wisdom like his son Solomon; If we would be as industrious in our society as Daniel and Joseph; if we would chase after the whoring gentiles like Hosea; and if we, who are filled with the same Spirit that raised Christ Jesus from the dead, would live like the apostles - going from town to town declaring freedom in the risen Christ - then I believe we will see this nation turning back to God. “
It’s “Very Good” To Be A Woman
“Dear sisters, daughters, mothers, and wives, embrace the beautiful, glorious, and domestic calling God has given you. Rejoice amid the mess and the stress of a burgeoning home. Find joy and laughter when the markers decorate your walls, the spaghetti gets flung on your ceiling, or when the task of doing it all seems too big for you. It is too big for you, in your own strength. That much is true. But let that truth remind you of a better truth. You are needy in your role because the Lord designed you to ever be in need of Him!”
Pride Flags and Power Plays
“When a nation plants its flag firmly into the ground, it openly and audaciously proclaims its dominion over that soil. It screams, "We are the ones in charge!" It heralds that our power and our might reign supreme on this soil. And if you do not like that, grab your guns and try to take our flag away from us if you can.
This is precisely why the rainbow-colored flag of deviance and pride must come (and in Christ will come) to a bitter end.”
It’s “Very Good” To Be A Man
“Men, do not accept a perverted vision of masculinity that a godless world has painted for you. Also, do not accept the effeminate and neutered manhood that some wimpy sects of Christianity are peddling to you. Instead, stand up tall and be a man. Take responsibility for yourself and your people. Love your wife like Christ loves His Church, stand for truth, be brave, rule well in your home and in your town, and bring the fear of God into every sector that you preside over. And above all else, do everything you can, with all the strength and vigor you can muster, to the glory of your God and the advancement of His Kingdom. That is a vision worth celebrating and imitating. And that is the kind of men our nation, churches, and families desperately need.”
Marriage And The Trinity
“if the enemy hates God, and everything that reminds Him of God, then is it any wonder that he so despicably detests marriage, since it is dripping with the divine? Marriage was not patterned off our opinions, and it does not exist to advance our preferences. Instead, God made marriage to reflect His holy, loving, intimate, joyful, and sacrificial love that He has eternally cherished among the members of the Godhead.”
What The Bible Says About Marriage.
“Manhood and womanhood are under attack. Marriage and sexuality are under attack. And every institution, from Hollywood to the District of Columbia, is aimed at perverting our children. It is high time that the church says, enough! And it is high time we begin fighting for the only institution God called “Very good.”
Lead Like Men (Part 6 of Biblical Manhood Series)
In this sixth and final installment in our Biblical masculinity series, we examine what it means to lead like a man, so that you, your wife, and your family will thrive for generations to the glory of God!
Fight Like Men (Part 5 of Biblical Manhood Series)
In this fifth installment in our Biblical masculinity series, we examine what it means to fight like a man, which includes coming to the battle dressed like a man. Join us as we explore this topic on the blog!
Dangerous Families
Satan is winning in our culture for two reasons. First, he has successfully attacked and dismantled the family. And second, Christians have forgotten how to prioritize and fight back with dangerous families. Join us as we explore this topic together!
Mate Like Men (Part 4 of Biblical Manhood Series)
In this fourth installment in our Biblical masculinity series, we examine what masculine, God honoring, Christ exalting sexuality looks like. Join us as we look at what God's Word says about this very important topic.
Love Like Men (Part 3 of Biblical Manhood Series)
In this third installment in our Biblical masculinity series, we examine what masculine, God honoring, Christ exalting marital love looks like. Join us as we look at what God's Word says about loving like men!
Worship Like Men (Part 2 of Biblical Manhood Series)
As we continue our series on Biblical manhood, we need to understand what it means to worship like a man. Join us for part 2 of this 6 part series as we look at manly worship!
Act Like Men (Part 1 of Biblical Manhood Series)
The PRODCAST will dedicate the next 6 episodes to Godly masculinity. It is our contention that when men are healthy, masculine, and Biblical, that families, societies, and the planet will flourish. Ultimately, our example of godly manhood is Christ, which means we will be looking to Him and His Word to find out how we can be as men. Join us as we explore what it means to Act Like Men this week!