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Eschatology, Revelation Kendall Lankford Eschatology, Revelation Kendall Lankford

The Curse Upon The Jews

“This is the story of a cursed generation, a people who invoked the blood of their Messiah and reaped the whirlwind. The destruction of Jerusalem was not just a tragedy; it was a testament. God's Word does not fail. His promises, His warnings—they are as unshakable as the heavens.”

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Law Homilies Kendall Lankford Law Homilies Kendall Lankford

Chameleon Christians

Each week at The Shepherd’s Church, we preach short homilies on the law of God and have decided to share those here as a resource to the people of God. This week, the command not to bear false witness by blending in with culture.

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Daniel Huilt Daniel Huilt

The Church Militant: Equipping the Saints For War

Most Christians are familiar with how the Church is referred to as a body and temple but overlook the fact that Scripture also likens the Church to an army. Yet God’s people have always been characterized by war, so this analogy has implications beyond personal holiness and spiritual warfare.

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Law Homilies Kendall Lankford Law Homilies Kendall Lankford

Robbing and Broken Promises

Each week at The Shepherd’s Church, we preach short homilies on the law of God and have decided to share those here as a resource to the people of God. This week, the command not to steal, and all of what that means

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Eschatology, Revelation Kendall Lankford Eschatology, Revelation Kendall Lankford

Wars, Earthquakes, and Famines (OH MY!)

Jesus didn’t give His disciples a casual prophecy. His words hit them like thunder: wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes, and famines—all signs they would experience with their own eyes, ears, and trembling hearts. He was shaking them awake, warning them of a future that would upend everything they knew, a future they would live to see

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Daniel Huilt Daniel Huilt

Undeserved Righteousness: God’s Triumph in the Tragedy of Lot

In his condemnation of false teachers, Peter surprisingly calls Lot righteous.  Anyone familiar with the story of Lot would be right to wonder how Lot could be called righteous.  We will see the basis of Lot’s righteousness, which displays the Gospel and gives us all reason for hope.

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Law Homilies Kendall Lankford Law Homilies Kendall Lankford

The War On Our Eyes

Each week at The Shepherd’s Church, we preach short homilies on the law of God and have decided to share those here as a resource to the people of God. This week, the command to guard our eyes.

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Eschatology, Revelation Kendall Lankford Eschatology, Revelation Kendall Lankford

The Whore, Jerusalem

The destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70 was not just the end of an era; it was the severing of the old covenant, the final 'divorce' of a harlot bride. And yet, in that moment of devastation, the Church stood, cradled in the hands of the Holy Spirit, ready to grow and become the radiant bride Christ would one day return for.

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Reformation Kendall Lankford Reformation Kendall Lankford

¡Viva La Reformacion!

The Reformation was a crescendo, a climactic moment of theological pressure that finally exploded in the 16th century at Luther’s rediscovery of Justification by Faith Alone.

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Daniel Huilt Daniel Huilt

Suffer No Rival Part 2: Achieving Victory over Pornography

Last time, we discussed the seriousness of pornography using the example of Elkanah.  Porn use counteracts any affection and praise he might give, so it must be fought with all vengeance.  Now, we will define a strategy for those who struggle with porn and those around them. 

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Eschatology, Revelation Kendall Lankford Eschatology, Revelation Kendall Lankford

False Messiahs and Anti-Christs

The manifest testimony of Scripture and history is that the first century Christians faced a proliferation of false messiahs and anti christs, who were the architects of the bloody uprisings, rebellions, and insurrections, which ultimately provoked Rome into all-out war. Jesus, in His perfection and wisdom, not only called it, but He accurately prophesied the very engine that God would use to fuel the Roman’s battering rams: The rise of false messiahs.

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Daniel Huilt Daniel Huilt

Suffer No Rivals: Getting Serious About Pornography

Pornography has become so ubiquitous that after decades of trying to fight it, many people and churches have simply accepted it, denying or downplaying its destructive effects on individuals, marriages, families, churches, and society.  We need to get serious about fighting against this great evil.

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Law Homilies Kendall Lankford Law Homilies Kendall Lankford

The Sabbath as Lifeline

Each week at The Shepherd’s Church, we preach short homilies on the law of God and have decided to share those here as a resource to the people of God. This week, the command to not ignore the blessing of the Sabbath.

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Distinctives Kendall Lankford Distinctives Kendall Lankford

High Culture and Festive

In this new series, we are talking about what makes TSC distinct and what are our Biblical values as a Church. In this twelfth article, we explore how our high culture and festive approach to life is the most Biblical, joyful, and robust way of living.

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Daniel Huilt Daniel Huilt

Hall of Faith and the City of God

The Hebrews 11 “hall of faith” only mentions Joseph’s prophecy about the exodus. Of all that could be said of Joseph, we may wonder why the Holy Spirit inspired this, but we will discover that this statement unveils a pattern that is key to understanding the hall of faith.

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Daniel Huilt Daniel Huilt

“As for me and my House” America’s Household Idols

After the conquest of Canaan, Joshua tells Israel to choose God or idols, saying that his household would serve God, so he was exhorting Israel as families not individuals.  Worship, whether of God or idols, begins at home…and there are many American “Christian” households that have chosen the wrong gods. 

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