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"Exciting times ahead! The Shepherd's Church is set to double its capacity, embracing a future of expanded worship, fellowship, and community outreach in New England, all for the glory of God's Kingdom!"
Covenant Communion: The Nature of the Sacrament
“Just like baptism, communion has caused division between genuine believers. This post looks at communion from the covenant perspective and addresses several of these areas of contention. The next post will cover who should come to the Table and how we should come.”
Tithing And Obedience
Each week at The Shepherd’s Church, we preach short homilies on the law of God and have decided to share those here as a resource to the people of God. This week, the Biblical command to tithe.
A Practical Postmillennialism: An Interview With Glenn Sunshine
In this episode, Dr. Glenn Sunshine discusses the historical development and critique of the Radical Two Kingdoms (R2K) view. He traces the origins of the R2K view back to the early church and the Reformation, highlighting the different perspectives on the relationship between the church and the state. Dr. Sunshine argues that Christians have a responsibility to engage in politics and shape policy in accordance with biblical principles. He critiques the idea that cultural engagement is immanentizing the eschaton and emphasizes the importance of understanding the kingdom of God and the gospel in shaping our approach to cultural and political involvement. In this conversation, Glenn Sunshine discusses the relationship between Christians and politics. He explores different views on Christians' involvement in politics and highlights the importance of living in the kingdom of Christ while also living in the world. Sunshine emphasizes the need to live now in light of eternity and to recognize that God has placed us where we are for a reason. He explains that the gospel of the kingdom affects every aspect of our lives and calls Christians to live out the lordship of Christ in everything they do.
Covenant Baptism: A Primer for Baptists
“Whether infants should be baptized or not has been a topic of fiery debate ever since the Reformation. It is my belief that infants should be baptized under the covenant baptism view, but having grown up in baptistic churches I understand how most of the typical arguments for this position fall flat with Baptists. In”
Thy Compassions They Fail Not
"This means, at least in part, that God allowed the world to fall into sin and misery so that He could showcase the fullness of His being to lost and lonely sinners, which brings Him unimaginable glory."
Traces of Defeatism: A Critique Of Amillennialism
In "Traces of Defeatism," I examine how some of the interpretations and assumptions in amillennialism act like trace elements of poison in the Church's bloodstream, subtly undermining our mission by instilling a defeatist mindset. I argue for embracing a postmillennial perspective, which I believe empowers us to actively engage and transform culture, reflecting a more victorious outlook on God's kingdom and our role within it.
Worthless People
Some people are worthless. As shocking as that may be for the modern American Christian, that is what the Bible clearly teaches. This post looks at how Scripture defines worthlessness in contrast to how the world defines it using the example of Eli’s sons and Hannah in 1 Samuel 1-2.
The God Beyond Need
"Because God is independent and perfectly free, because He is uncaused and Lord over His own existence, His purposes, plans, and His very nature remain necessarily steadfast and unmoving, which is a source of tremendous comfort and assurance for believers."
Generational Responsibility
“One of the most beautiful descriptions of God’s character (Exodus 34:6-7) contains a reference to visiting the iniquity of fathers on their children. Indeed throughout Scripture we see examples of children suffering because of the sins of their parents. This post looks at the theme of representation, which in no way implies injustice on God’s…”
The Bright Hope of Defeatism: A Critique Of Historic Premillennialism
In our latest article, we critically examine the doctrine of Historic Premillennialism, revealing its inadequacies and how it contributes to a defeatist stance in the Church. Our discussion aims to pave the way for a more empowering, Biblically-grounded eschatology that energizes the Church for active mission and cultural engagement.
The Nature of Responsibility
“Responsibility is an often overlooked aspect of leadership. This post looks at the nature of both individual and shared responsibility as they relate to leadership, using David as an example to emulate.”
A Practical Postmillennialism: An Interview With Gary Demar
In this series, called "A Practical Postmillennialism," I will be diving into what postmillennialism is and what it means for our lives. I will be looking at how the Bible promises God's victory and how that victory works itself out in every aspect of your life. This series will show you how to live in light of a robust, theological optimism that will seep into who you are as a man, woman, mom, dad, churchman, and member of a rotting and decaying society that needs Jesus. Today we interview Gary Demar!
The Corporate Nature of the Covenant
When we look at the covenants in Scripture, we often focus on the individuals who received them, but all of the covenants are actually very corporate in nature which has major implications for us today. This post looks at the way God makes covenants with entire families throughout many generations and how that flies in…
The Wrath Of A Righteous God
"In understanding God's righteous anger, we grasp the depth of Christ's sacrifice. His atonement on the cross, where divine justice and mercy meet, reveals a love profound enough to absorb the wrath we deserved, offering us peace and reconciliation."
Getting Through The Old Testament Doldrums
Many Christians start the year with a resolution to read through the entire Bible, but those plans often stall somewhere early in the Old Testament when they hit “the doldrums”. This post aims to help people not only get through them but also profit from them.
Defeating Defeatism: A Critique of the Dispensational View
In this series, called "A Practical Postmillennialism," I will be diving into what postmillennialism is and what it means for our lives. I will be looking at how the Bible promises God's victory and how that victory works itself out in every aspect of your life. This series will show you how to live in light of a robust, theological optimism that will seep into who you are as a man, woman, mom, dad, churchman, and member of a rotting and decaying society that needs Jesus. Today we tackle dispensational defeatism.
God Revealed In Our Terms
Have you ever wondered why the Bible says God has flaring nostrils, wings like a mother hen, and a right arm of power? Well, join us as we delve into the world of anthropomorphisms, understanding a unique lens through which we can grow in our appreciation, adoration, and imitation of God.
Pressing Toward The Goal: A Biblical Approach To Fitness
“With the new year approaching and with it the numerous resolutions to “get in shape” or lose weight, we need to have biblical perspective on fitness and health that will help us not only pursue them for the right reasons but also aid us in actually achieving those resolutions.”
A Practical Postmillennialism (NEW SERIES)
In this series, called "A Practical Postmillennialism," I will be diving into what postmillennialism is and what it means for our lives. I will be looking at how the Bible promises God's victory and how that victory works itself out in every aspect of your life. This series will show you how to live in light of a robust, theological optimism that will seep into who you are as a man, woman, mom, dad, churchman, and member of a rotting and decaying society that needs Jesus.