The Shepherd’s blog.
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American Idolatry: The Golden Calves and High Places of the American Church
“In this Advent season, it is important to make sure we are celebrating the coming of the correct Christ. There are various prevalent forms of idolatry in American Protestant churches that are far worse than the Catholic veneration of Mary. We will look at these in comparison to the Old Testament golden calves (yes, plural)…”
The Apocalyptic Christmas
"Explore a riveting twist on the Christmas story with 'The Apocalyptic Christmas,' where celestial battles and cosmic symbolism from Revelation 12 redefine the holiday's meaning. Dive into a narrative where a radiant woman, a formidable dragon, and a child destined to rule nations transform Christmas into a scene of divine drama and victory. This blog invites you to witness Christmas not just as a serene nativity, but as a pivotal moment in a grand cosmic saga, challenging and deepening your understanding of this beloved season."
How Should We Regard Mary?
“In this Advent season, we celebrate the glory of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ, that He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit in the womb of a virgin named Mary. The wonder of it all makes it easy to adopt erroneous views of Mary. This post examines Mary as she is portrayed…”
Merry Christmas… This Means War!
“He was bringing war because this old world had fallen into bitter, soul-crushing slavery to an evil dragon. A serpent of great beguiling who tricked our only king into trading in his scepter for over-tight handcuffs... His crown for rusty chains. On that first Christmas morning, after legions of failed men who came before Him, the heaven-sent God-Man was born the royal Man-King. Delivered as a helpless babe to deliver and set the helpless free.”
Was Jesus Really Born of a Virgin?
At the center of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ that we celebrate in this Advent season is the the virgin birth. Some who see science and Scripture as contradictory deny this doctrine, but in this post we will see that it is clearly taught in Scripture and absolutely essential for our salvation.
The Second Coming As Foretold In The Book of Acts
“May you never waste your days trying to figure out blood moons, marks of the beast, or the identity of the Antichrist. May you, instead, spend your ever-waking moments serving the King who brought this end-time Kingdom to the world. You belong to His Kingdom as a soldier of Christ because of Christ and Christ alone. Now, use your fleeting days to serve and praise Him! “
The Importance of Church Membership
“Our society has a major problem committing to anything, so it is unsurprising that American Christians have trouble committing to the local church. This post looks at the scriptural and practical necessity of church membership so we can restore it to its rightful place of prominence in the American church.”
Love the Sinner. Hate the movement.
“ If you are soft on these movements, you are complicit with the war crimes of demons, and you are a reviler of the humanity you claim to love. Our job is to love the sinner enough to call them to repentance. And to hate the movements that accost them.”
Faith and Firstfruits (God’s Commands in the Conquest of Canaan)
“Faith is a key theme wove throughout the Bible’s historical narratives. Its abundance gives us examples to emulate while its lack provides ominous warnings to avoid. One example of the former is Israel’s victory at Jericho, while one example of the latter is their subsequent defeat at Ai. The situation at Ai, and the sin…”
An Oracle For A King
“If you had to boil down all the wisdom necessary to help a young leader to lead well, what would you say? Proverbs 31:1-9 gives the answer to that question in the form of an oracle to a young king by his wise mother written three thousand years ago. Modern leaders in all spheres would…”
Your Eschatology Matters
Your eschatology matters. It will not only affect your view of the end times, but how you view culture and how you will engage in it.
Men Need Biblical Counseling
“The United States has a men’s mental health crisis, with four times as many men committing suicide as women. Men don’t seek help when struggling with things like depression and anxiety at least in part because therapy is just as alienating to men as the rest of our feminized society. Instead, this post shows how…”
The Martyrdom of Stephen
“And while this martyrdom of Stephen in Jerusalem kickstarted one of the worst periods of persecution and martyrdom the church has ever seen, the standing Christ reminds us that evil did not win, Christ's Church was not be defeated, and that we must march on in our battles today, knowing that we are gaining ground. Glory hallelujah!”
Are You Fighting Against God? Or For Him?
According to Jesus, if you are not explicitly for Him, then you are actually against Him! You will either give all of your life in the service of your King, or you will be using your energies to perpetrate insurrections or rebellions.
Ecclesia Reformata, Semper Reformanda
Today, as we live in a similar time of heresy and spiritual decline, let us remember that the Protestant Reformation is not over. While Luther, Calvin, Knox, and others did much to reform the Church, there is always a need for Reformation in every generation!
Addressing Anxiety Biblically
“Like depression, anxiety is a pervasive problem in both our society and our churches, so we need to address it biblically. This post addresses anxiety from Scripture.”
How Big Will His Kingdom Be?
How large will Jesus’ earthly Kingdom be? Will it always remain a remnant and a minority among the peoples of earth? Or will it grow? And if it grows, how much so? These are the questions we will explore today.
The Book of Acts and the Jews of “This Generation”
“once we understand this phrase rightly, we can no longer hold to a futurist interpretation of this passage but will instead see how various eschatological passages have already found their completion in the first century.”
The Truly Successful Pastor
“Last time we talked about the downfall of Mark Driscoll, Rob Bell, and Ravi Zacharias. Were they merely bad apples or do they indicate a much larger problem? This post examines that question then defines successful pastoral ministry in God’s terms rather than human terms.”
The Martyrdom Of Ignatius of Antioch
On October 17th, 107 AD, Ignatius of Antioch was martyred for his unshakable faith in Jesus Christ. May we learn from his example and live with courage in our own hostile age