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Wise And Glorious Home Builder: The Role Of The Godly Wife
“We have seen that the distinction between men and women was created by God as very good and that the roles within marriage come from the mission that God has called each person to fulfill in advancing the Cultural Mandate and Great Commission. We then looked at the husband’s duty to shepherd his family as…”
Christ-Like Shepherd: The Role Of A Godly Husband
“God created mankind as distinctively male and female, so those distinctions are very good. He created men and women to fulfill different yet complementary roles so that together they could advance the Cultural Mandate and Great Commission. Within that context, this post looks at the roles of the husband as clearly revealed in Scripture.”
Balancing On The Roof: The Purpose Of Roles In Marriage
“The equal value yet distinct roles of male and female were created by God in the beginning as very good. When couples fulfill these roles well, they display to the world the beauty of marriage as it was meant to be. Before we look at specific roles, we need understand their greater purpose. This post…”
7 Ways To Blaspheme God’s Word (Part 2)
“while the world around us would seek to whittle womanhood down from a mighty redwood to a flimsy toothpick by clinging to the Lord's Word in Scripture, I believe we can have a revival of femininity and a resurgence of Christian women.“
7 Ways To Blaspheme God’s Word (Part 1)
“What does the Bible communicate about womanhood? How will that impact her in marriage? And, how passionate is God about these things? Would He even call it “blasphemy” when Biblical womanhood is ignored or spurned? Join us as we explore this concept in Titus 2:3-5.”