The Shepherd’s blog.
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How Do Christians Approach The Sabbath?
“The concept of the Sabbath is debated among Christians. Some all but disregard it by making Sunday no different than any other day except for attending church. Others go to the other extreme and strictly adhere to rules on what they can and cannot do on Sundays, bearing resemblance to the Pharisees of Jesus’s day.…“
Bank Collapses & Good Investments
“As the world around us is reeling from another bank collapse, the threats of war, stock market downturns, recession, inflation, interest rate hikes, and an incompetent administration, remember Who is in control. We are not ultimately beholden to a schizophrenic market because our hope lies in the only one who can guarantee our survival.”
How Do Christians Approach The Law?
“The Church has often been unsure how to properly view the Old Testament Law, and opponents of Christianity often point out how Christians seem to arbitrarily obey some of the laws while ignoring others. This post addresses how Christians can approach the Mosaic Law in a manner consistent with the whole of Scripture, especially the…”
When God Feels Distant
“Why does God sometimes feel distant? Why are there times and seasons when it seems like God is either aloof or further away from us than at others?”
Race Is Not The Problem
“And while humanity has fallen far short of God's glorious standard, doing vile and shameless things to one another, God Himself would provide the cure. Unlike the modern world - which is attempting to cure the sin of "racism" with more hatred and division - God sent His one and only Son to heal this sin perfectly!”
Does Faith Move The Heart Of God?
“When we read of the various miracles in Scripture, the faith of the people involved is at the forefront of the narrative in many cases, which can lead us to think that not only miracles but all of the blessings of God are somehow dependent on the faith of the recipient. This has led to…”
Disagreeing Wisely
“Every leader is a follower, but not all followers are leaders, so it is just as important (if not more important) to know how to be a good follower as a good leader. Effective followership does not mean blind obedience, but proactive effort to both embrace the leader’s vision and take initiative to advance it.…”
The Real Trans Identity…
every Christian has a "trans" identity. In our sin, we were once TRANSgressors, but Jesus graciously TRANSferred us out of Satan's dominion and has TRANSplanted us into His family so that we can TRANSlate the Gospel into all languages and TRANSmit it to all people, TRANSforming this world into His image, until the glorious day when we TRANSition into new and incorruptible flesh to live forever with Him.
How to Slay Depression In 3 Steps.
Depression is a formidable foe and claims the joy of more Christians that would ever feel comfortable saying. And yet, the Bible gives us ways that we can fight and overcome our depressions. Join us on the blog as we find out how.
10 Reasons to Host a Pastor Story Hour
Ten reasons why we are doing Pastor Story Hour and hopefully some encouragement to attend, support, or host your own!
The Need For Biblical Counseling
“When we think of counseling, we often envision laying on a couch and talking at length about our childhood to a professional who listens intently while taking notes before offering some tips to help address our problems. But counseling is really just a conversation in which someone asks for help in a particular situation and…”
No Such Thing as “Little Sins.”
“We take things that are offensive to God and then reframe them in language that is more palatable to our egos and consciences.”
Painting Sin With Virtue Signals.
“Everyone virtue signals to some degree or another because no one wants to face the dragons hiding within.” - Kendall Lankford
Pronouns and the Christian
“The issue of gender is at the forefront of cultural and political debate, so as Christians we need to have an answer based on Scripture for the topic of transgenderism. While most of us will never debate the topic on a stage or in a book, we will all likely encounter people who insist we call them by pronouns clearly inconsistent with biology (and organizations that require us to comply). This is a Scriptural response to that situation. that I hope will aid Christians in conscientiously objecting to such requests and policies.”
Pastor Story Hour (Daily Wire Full Interview)
“Christ has a vision for the entire world and not just for our homes, which means that the scope of the gospel, the goal for which the Church is laboring, will not be accomplished until all the children of the world come under God’s blessing and have been taught a biblical worldview,”
The Bait of Satan
What kind of bait does Satan go fishing with? How can we be protected from the hook of His temptations? Join us as we explore these things in the blog!
Objecting With Love
As our culture becomes increasingly less “Christian”, we will all face situations in which organizational policies and cultural expectations try to compel us to act in sinful ways or support and celebrate sinful activity. This post outlines how we can respond to those situations biblically.
What Terrified the King!
What terrified the brutish king more than anything else? It was the same thing that gives us the greatest hope today!