The Unshakable, Unstoppable, Kingdom of God.

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Today, we're diving into one of the most challenging books in the New Testament: the Book of Hebrews. Much like Revelation, Hebrews often tops the Biblical naughty list, among the few New Testament writings that modern readers are prone to check twice, skip, and avoid. But why? Well…. It is undoubtedly because the book is complex, which has become the kryptonite of American Christianity. From my estimation, the modern believer doesn't enjoy hard work, struggle, or Scriptures that require a modicum of context in order to comprehend. On average, we like bottom-shelf truths found in low-hanging churches, and we enjoy pastors who scratch the little itch on our ear called self-evidence. Instead of allowing the difficulty of a ribeye steak to invigorate men and women to chewing, we are content to go on gumming milk, feeling defeated every time we come across the smallest curdle. 

If a brave soul does endeavor to engage with materials like Hebrews, it is usually on the level of a baby bird, expecting the religious "experts" to chew it up first and feed it in bite-sized portions. This means the only work the average Christian does regarding the Bible is open wide, swallow, and move on without ever developing the skill of hunting and gathering for themselves. This trend needs to change! 

This brings us to the topic of eschatology, and since we are in a rather extended series on the subject, this point should be instructive. While YouTube channels where thirty-year-olds in their mother's basements throw up from eating Tide pods, garnering innumerable likes and shares, a show like this, where the subject matter is even more complex than the book of Hebrews, is bound to grow relatively slowly. The difficulty inherent within eschatology guarantees, at least in our current context, that confusion will abound, and most will avoid learning about it. 

The reason eschatology is so difficult is the same reason the Book of Hebrews is perplexing. Eschatology contains some of the most Hebraic-oriented thinking found in Scripture. It is filled with puzzles, riddles, parables, and symbols that will perpetually confuse the masses. That is unless we do the hard work of diving into the context and attempting to understand these Biblical mysteries Biblically. And that is what we have been trying to do so far in this series: choosing the most straightforward passages concerning eschatology in the Bible to begin developing our case so that when we come to books like Hebrews, we will be equipped to wade in the thick, mysterious waters.

We have not attempted to cherry-pick a few verses out of context, assembling a theology of the end without the middle or beginning and thinking our work is finished. We have engaged with the writings of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, the Histories, the Psalms, the prophets, the Gospels, and Paul, which has equipped us to now enter the most difficult sections of Scripture so far. Along with Hebrews, in the weeks ahead, we will look at the epistles of Peter and John and the book of Revelation itself. This means Hebrews is the gateway to the wild west of eschatological texts. We can only understand what is happening because we have already done the hard work, preparing ourselves and prepping our minds for what lies ahead.

But here's the encouraging part: despite the rumors, anyone can understand these passages with dedication and study. If you've ever thought eschatology was too hard, impossible, and well beyond your reach, it's time to reconsider. The depth and complexity are precisely what make studying books like Hebrews, Revelation, and other eschatological texts so rewarding. Like Frodo lying exhausted but victorious on the slopes of Mount Doom, we too will feel the thrill of understanding the end for which God created the world when we have done the hard work of climbing throughout the text. 

Today, we're exploring how the book of Hebrews supports postmillennialism, the view that God will fill the world with worshippers before His return. The view is that God will spread His dominion far and wide and that the world will not collapse into ruin before the Lord our God is finished. We'll look at key passages in the book of Hebrews that highlight Christ's reign, the promise of our unending rest, the new covenant, and the vision of an unshakable kingdom that only Jesus can bring. Hebrews isn't just for scholars—it's a guide for every believer to understand their role in God's grand and glorious design. And with that, let us jump in! 


Let's get straight to the point—Christ reigns. He is not waiting to enter into His cosmic command; He is reigning right now, and the book of Hebrews makes this undeniably clear. For instance, in these last days (Hebrews 1:2), which began at the resurrection and ascension, His end time empire has come! Hebrews 1:3 and verses 8-13 let us know where the King is, which is on His throne of power in active rule over a present Kingdom. These passages tell us:

"And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature and upholds all things by the Word of His power. When He had made purification of sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high" - Hebrews 1:3

Despite the quadruple axel, our dispy friends have twisted upon the Scriptures, this could not be more clear; Jesus is King; Jesus reigns now; His end-time Kingdom is not waiting to be unleashed upon the world; it came when Jesus made a purification for sins on the hill of Calvary.

In verse 8, the writer of Hebrews quotes Psalm 45:6 to tell us that Jesus is the one who brings God's never-ending Kingdom upon the earth. That Kingdom will be about raising men and women to life in Him (verses 10-11) and crushing His enemies completely and entirely underneath His feet (Hebrews 1:13). As we have said multiple times before, Jesus is on His throne now, and He must reign until God has permanently, totally, and entirely crushed all of His enemies. 

These verses aren't poetic musings to introduce a convoluted book; they are clear and unmistakable declarations of the sovereign rule of Christ. After Jesus made purification for sins on that old rugged cross, the King of Glory sat down to reign, and He won't finish until the entire world looks like, thinks like, and acts like Him. Whatever rebel holdouts still exist will be crushed, and He will deliver a tamed world to God the Father before He even flinches the first thigh muscle to return to this old world. If you are waiting for Jesus to return because the world is still untamed and evil, you will die in your waiting because He isn't coming till He is finished with His job! Better to stop wasting your life waiting and start using your life to truly and joyfully live and work for Him! 

Consider another passage, Hebrews 2:8, which says:

"putting everything in subjection under his feet." Now, in putting everything in subjection to him, he left nothing outside his control. At present, we do not yet see everything in subjection to him." - Hebrews 2:8-9

This seems like a paradox. The text says that He left NOTHING outside of His control, and yet, at present, things look and feel very out of control. How does that work? If everything has been put in subjection under His feet, why do we not see that subjection playing out in space and time? Why do we see chaos, sin, misery, lying politicians, despotic governments, cruel businessmen, tyrannical tax agencies, prostitution, abortion, murder, and child trafficking? If Jesus has put everything underneath His feet, and if He has crushed all resistance, then why do we see such expressions of evil? The answer lies in the "already" and "not yet" aspect of Jesus' rule. 

On the cross, Jesus entered His rule. Yet, the effect of His rule has not trickled down into all the parts. It would be like Elon Musk buying the city of San Francisco. The moment he purchased it, it would belong to him, and he would have total control over all its depressing burrows. And yet, it would take Elon Musk some time to transform that liberal trash heap and terrible city into a habitable place for all of his employees and companies to thrive in. In the same way, Christ has already purchased the world and entered His complete dominion. But, in the course of space and time, He is using His Church to bring the rebel parts into conformity with His vision, which takes time, energy, tearing down, and rebuilding. 

While Christ's authority is already fully established, the full manifestation of this authority in the physical, visible world is still in progress. The Gospel is gradually transforming lives, societies, and cultures, bringing more aspects of the world into visible subjection to Christ. The "not yet" refers to the ongoing historical process where Christ's reign is progressively being realized on earth, proving the postmillennial hope. How, you might ask? If Jesus had already taken complete dominion over the world, why would He stop short of making it fully conform? Why would He allow it to end like a colossal dud? He wouldn't. He will keep leading His Church to conform it, shape it, and rebuild it until it meets His precise and glorious specifications. That is when He will return. Not a moment sooner. 

Thus, to all the naysayers and doubters, let me be blunt: postmillennialism isn't just a happy view for hopeless optimists. It's the only view that makes sense of Christ's complete dominion now and the Church's unfolding victory over time. The book of Hebrews settles this fact, and we must believe it. 

Before moving to section 2, consider one more passage to nail the point home. Hebrews 10:12-13, says: 

"But when Christ had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God, waiting from that time until his enemies should be made a footstool for his feet." - Hebrews 10:12-13

Do you see what this is saying? After His death, He entered into His rule. That rule would continue until all of Jesus' enemies are defeated. So, if you're still holding on to a defeatist eschatology, it's time to wake up, repent, and start acting like Jesus has called you to build. Put away your handkerchiefs, throw away your end times decoder rings, and unpack your rapture bags because the King of Glory has elected you to build His Kingdom on earth, and He will not return until we have finished the job. Therefore, if we want Jesus to return more quickly, it would make sense for us to stop playing around with our faith and finally get to work. 


Hebrews 4:9-11 says it like this:

"So then, there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God, for whoever has entered God's rest has also rested from his works as God did from His. Let us therefore strive to enter that rest, so that no one may fall by the same sort of disobedience." - Hebrews 4:9-11

First, it's crucial to understand that the "Sabbath rest" mentioned here isn't some abstract, distant promise. It's a present reality initiated by Christ's finished work. The rest that the author of Hebrews is speaking of, like Jesus' dominion, is both a current reality for believers and a future hope yet to be accomplished. It has happened totally and perfectly in heaven but is working itself out progressively here on earth. You have been bought and paid for in heaven, wholly sanctified, and given perfect peace with God. That status is secure in heaven because the one who bought and paid for it is sitting on His throne. But here on earth, those realities are working themselves out more slowly. As heaven and earth are coming back together again, in the reign of Christ, we should expect what is already and fully come in heaven to progressively come upon the earth. This means there is no war in heaven, and as heaven overtakes the earth, the cessation of human earthly war is coming. That means that there is no war ravaging the bodies through deadly diseases in heaven, and as heaven is invading earth, we should expect that diseases will be cured, long life will eventually come back, and that God's peace on bodies, emotions, minds, hearts, societies, and governments will progressively continue to come. This does not preclude momentary setbacks that last for 50-100 years. We are saying that the peace and rest of Jesus Christ will progressively overtake the world. That is what Hebrews 4:9-11 is saying. 

Of the eschatological positions, only the postmillennial perspective captures this reality. Unlike other eschatological views that defer God's rest coming on the earth to a future, post-apocalyptic scenario, postmillennialism asserts that this rest is progressively realized as the Gospel permeates and transforms societies. It's not just a temporary reprieve but the culmination of God's redemptive plan for creation—a comprehensive restoration of peace and harmony to a world war-torn from sin since the very beginning.

But I want you to notice something. This peace of God does not come upon the world ipso facto while we lie around in paralyzing fear! It does not invade the world while we prop our feet up or rest our hands in our pockets. No. Hebrews 4:9-11 calls for active engagement. The call is for us to "strive to enter that rest," which has nothing to do with passive waiting. Instead, it's about the Church vigorously pursuing God's Kingdom on earth and partnering with Him to bring His peace everywhere shalom is not. This is accomplished when we spread the Gospel, conduct worship services, plant churches, make disciples, engage in family worship, marry believers, have covenant children, and then baptize them to the glory of God. Hebrews 4:9-11 rejects the eschatological pessimism that has suffocated American Evangelicalism and sees the world improving, being infused with increasing dispensations of God's peace and rest, all the way up and until Jesus Christ returns. When that day comes, when Jesus finally returns, calamity, war, poverty, and cancer will be nothing more than a footnote in the latest history books. 


The next aspect of eschatology that the book of Hebrews teaches is the New Covenant and how it will transform the earth. Remember that the Bible is the story of God as told through successive covenants. Well, in the new and final covenant, all of the promises that were hinted at and screamed about are finally coming true in the ministry of the new covenant head, Jesus Christ. With that, chapter 8 of the book of Hebrews not only reveals Jesus' New Covenant has been inaugurated but also that it will transform the world with better promises and better outcomes than any covenant before it. 

Here's what the author of Hebrews tells us:

"But as it is, Christ has obtained a ministry that is as much more excellent than the old as the covenant he mediates is better, since it is enacted on better promises. If that first covenant had been faultless, there would have been no occasion to look for a second. He finds fault with them when he says," 'Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will establish a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, not like the covenant that I made with their fathers on the day when I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt. For they did not continue in my covenant, and so I showed no concern for them, declares the Lord. For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my laws into their minds, and write them on their hearts, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. And they shall not teach, each one his neighbor and each one his brother, saying, 'Know the Lord,' for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest. For I will be merciful toward their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more.'" - Hebrews 8:6-12

Christ's ministry is superior to the Old Covenant because He will accomplish what it never could. Unlike the covenant of David and Moses, Jesus will successfully put the law of God into the minds of men, and He will write His Word on their hearts. Jesus will make the entire world into the people of God, such that one day, there will be no more neighbors to say: "know the Lord" to because all of them will already know Him. From the least unto the very greatest, all of the world's population will one day know the Lord God through the ministry of the Son by the power of the Spirit. When that happens, the whole world will be filled with the glory of God, sin will be pushed back, peace will abound, and Jesus will return to kill the final enemy, death. This is the kind of story we are all looking forward to. 

As described here, the New Covenant is superior to the Old Covenant in every conceivable way. It is based on better promises and mediated by Christ Himself. While foundational and significant, the Old Covenant was ultimately a shadow of the greater reality. The New Covenant is not merely an improved version of the old; it is the complete fulfillment of God's redemptive plan that all the old covenants looked forward to.

In stark contrast to this postmillennial hope, other eschatological systems portray the world as spiraling into chaos and darkness until Christ's return. Such silly and Biblically stupid perspectives fail to align with what Scripture teaches, as we have proven over and over again with several hundred passages, and we fail to recognize the incredible power and extent that the New Covenant is promising. The doom and gloomers suggest that Christ's work on the cross and the establishment of the New Covenant cannot bring about real, lasting change. Beyond this being near to blasphemy, it diminishes the power of the New Covenant, the power of the new covenant head, who is Christ, and flat-out contradicts the explicit promises outlined in Hebrews. 

Postmillennialism is the only viewpoint that understands this transformation as a total yet gradual and inevitable process that will continue until it is completed. The Gospel's power is not limited to saving individuals but extends to transforming those people who will transform entire cultures and societies. The vision of a world where "they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest" is a vision of comprehensive redemption, where the knowledge of God permeates every aspect of life, and the world is made entirely Christian. This is the only logical outcome of what the Book of Hebrews is saying.

For those still clinging to eschatologies of despair, it is time to wake up. The New Covenant demands a view that expects and works towards global transformation. Anything less is a betrayal of the promises laid out in Hebrews and a denial of the power of Christ. Instead, the Bible acknowledges the comprehensive renewal of all things. This is the heartbeat of postmillennialism: a world being steadily transformed by the power of the Gospel until everything looks like Him.


The book of Hebrews brings us to the climax of God's redemptive narrative—Christ's second coming. These verses do not envision an angry Christ coming in judgment upon the world who defied Him; these passages are about the joyful, triumphant return of Christ, the King, who returns to the ones who eagerly were working, building, laboring, and spreading His dominion. Simply put, Christ returns to a world where everyone is serving Him, worshiping Him, obeying Him, living for Him, and building businesses, churches, stadiums, and government buildings dedicated to Him. He does not return to war but to peace. He does not return to anarchy but worldwide adoration. If you do not understand this, you will not see what the writer of Hebrews is saying: 

For instance, Hebrews 9:27-28 says:

"And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment, so Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him." - Hebrews 9:27-28

First, it is essential to recognize the distinction Hebrews makes between Christ's first and second comings. Christ's first coming was to deal decisively with sin through His sacrificial death on the cross. On that cross, He finally and totally dealt with the problem of sin so that it was a once-and-for-all atonement. It cannot be improved upon. It cannot be added to. It is finished. 

However, notice that his second coming is not about sin. He dealt with sin in His first coming, which means He will not return to a world where sin is still in charge. On the contrary, He will return to a world eagerly waiting for Him, not aggressively in rebellion against Him. This means when Jesus returns, the whole world will look forward to His coming. There will be no more atheists, no more Jews who hate the Messiah, no more Buddhists or Hindus, only an entire world filled with men, women, and children who are eagerly awaiting the return of their God. This will be a world filled with worshippers to whom Jesus will return. Nothing more and nothing less. 

This tells us that Jesus does not come back to a world gone hopelessly astray but to end a period of such incredible Gospel successes that the whole world has become Christian. Jesus does not come to rescue His bride from all her enemies but to receive the one who has been faithful to the ends of the earth. He will come to accept a faithful, expectant church engaged in the mission of God, anticipating the completion of what has already begun. This anticipation is not one of fear or uncertainty but of confident hope rooted in the already accomplished victory of Christ.

As said a thousand times before, the postmillennial perspective is the only view that gets this right. It is the only view that asserts the world is being progressively brought into conformity with God's will through the power of the Gospel, which is precisely what the author of Hebrews says. Thus, we need to abandon our flawed views that paint the mission of Christ as a colossal failure and embrace the only view that gives Him glory and aligns with Scripture. 

The eschatological vision of Hebrews also includes the idea of an unshakable kingdom, which we will explore more deeply in the next section. However, it is essential to note here that the second coming is integrally connected to the establishment of this Kingdom. Hebrews 12:28 speaks of believers receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, implying that Christ's return will solidify and manifest what is already in progress.


After seeing the unrivaled authority of Christ as King (Section 1), the progressive inbreaking of His Kingly peace on earth (Section 2), the unstoppable promises of the New Covenant He ratified (Section 3), and the victorious state of the planet when Jesus finally returns (Section 4), now it is time to land the proverbial plane by looking at how the Kingdom Jesus is building cannot be stopped, thwarted, or shaken.

In Eden, the world of heaven and earth were one, but the fall ripped them apart, bifurcating spiritual and material realities with a great chasm. At the cross, Jesus began the work of bringing those worlds back together. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit further unites the spiritual and material realities. And, by the end of it all, the division of heaven and earth will be completely mended. This is the kind of Kingdom we have come into Mount Zion, a better mountain than that old mountain called Sinai, and a better city, the New Jerusalem, which triumphs over that rebellious and ancient town known as the Old Jerusalem. We live in the days when Jesus from heaven and the Spirit-indwelling believers on earth are weaving the cosmos back together again. In our lifetimes and in the generations to come, the division between heaven and earth is being mended. These two worlds are coming back together again! 

Hebrews 12:22-24 tells us about the kind of Kingdom Jesus has inaugurated and that we have already entered. It says:

"But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to innumerable angels in festal gathering, and to the assembly of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven, and to God, the judge of all, and to the spirits of the righteous made perfect, and to Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel." - Hebrews 12:22-24

As these two worlds collide, a great shaking occurs so that whatever is corruptible will collapse and be removed. Think about it like this: whenever the Kingdom of Heaven takes back territory on this planet, it begins shaking the sinful parts like the walls of Jericho until they crumble and fall. This lets us know that the Kingdom of God is not a passive agent in the world, nor is it meant to be a minority faction in hiding; instead, it is most active. The Kingdom of Heaven is more aggressive and potent than the most ardent Jihadists because while they leave buildings crumbling from hijacked planes, the Kingdom of God will leave everything in this world crumbling that does not submit to Christ. And as those perishable institutions, people, faiths, and governments crumble, the Church is supposed to rebuild imperishable institutions that cannot crumble in their wake. 

Think about it: Far from the Church collapsing and failing, Hebrews describe it as the only institution on earth that cannot be shaken! The Church cannot be broken, she cannot be thwarted, and she will remain until the end. When the invasion of heaven ends child sacrifice, Christians will be there to rebuild institutions and enterprises that make sure all children are cared for. When our evil politicians are arrested for the crimes they have committed on Epstein Island or the illegal backroom deals they have made to get rich off of the taxpayer's dime are exposed, and they are hauled off in handcuffs, it will be the Christians who must assume power, and rebuild this country according to the rule and law of God. Everything that does not belong to Christ will be shaken into oblivion. Only what the Church, led by the Spirit of God, builds will be unshakeable, which means Jesus has given us the right and the privilege to build, create, plant, and establish until the world is filled with things that submit to Jesus, making it an unshakable world where heaven and earth are indistinguishable. That is the vision the Bible is painting and the Kingdom we have entered. 

Hebrews 12:25-29 says:

"See that you do not refuse him who is speaking. For if they did not escape when they refused him who warned them on earth, much less will we escape if we reject him who warns from heaven. At that time, his voice shook the earth, but now he promised, 'Yet once more, I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens.' This phrase, 'Yet once more,' indicates the removal of things that are shaken—that is, things that have been made—in order that the things that cannot be shaken may remain. Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire."

Despite what many claim, believers are not waiting to receive the unshakable and unstoppable Kingdom of Jesus; they have already received it! We are living in a Kingdom that cannot fail. No government on earth can stop us. No secular institution can defeat us. Islam will not outlast us. We are guaranteed certain and total victory, which means there is no possibility that we will lose! Do you live like that? Do you walk with that kind of confidence? Do you behave as if you were a pariah on this earth, or do you stand up tall and live like you are the kings and queens endowed with the power of God? Dear Christian, the world belongs to you! Your King and bridegroom bought and paid for it, and He is the one who laughs at the politicians who think it belongs to them. He laughs at Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and the spineless Republicans that make Washington D.C. a septic tank of idiocracy. He laughs at our lesbian governor on Beacon Hill, who sits in the seat of scoffers. 

Our Lord owns the world and has given you charge over His estate. This means that the lowliest little Christian has more real authority on earth than pagan kings and queens. They are unshakable. They will remain. But the pagan kings and queens will all be smashed, pulverized, and reduced to dust and ash if they persist in their rebellion. Do you live with that kind of confidence? Do you live with that kind of hope? And are you actively watching what the Lord is crumbling, what He is destroying, and what He is bringing to ruin so that you and others can go there and rebuild something that will never fade? Dear Christians, whatever we build on earth that is submitted to the Lordship of Christ is ultimately unshakable. Our job is to replace all of the things that are devoted to ruin with new creation people, believing politicians, companies dedicated to the Lordship of Christ, colleges that set their face to train Christians, families that threaten hell, and everything else until the old world is entirely replaced by the new world that is coming. 

Brick by brick, atom by atom, Christ is calling us to rebuild the world from the ashes of its shaking and to transform it into an unshakable habitation for us and God to live and dwell forever. That work, by Christ in heaven and by the Spirit-empowered Church on earth, must continue until there is but one enemy left, and that is death, and then Jesus will return and finish the job that He has started. One day, heaven and earth will be reunited entirely; until that day, it is our job to be faithful, to work, and to build things that will not crumble, to the glory and praise of God! 


As we wrap up another episode of The PRODCAST, I want to remind you that we looked at some difficult passages today but got through them. By studying everything we have so far, I believe these passages leaped off the page with the clarity that would not have been possible if we were lazy exegetes in the weeks leading up to this. Like a farmer who works tirelessly until the harvest and then enjoys the fruits of his labors, let us enjoy seeing these glorious truths in the book of Hebrews and praise God that He is opening up our minds to see, hear, and receive all that He has for us in His Word! Let us thank Jesus for being an unstoppable King who is bringing increasing and progressive peace that will stabilize the Church and will shake everything in rebellion to ruin and demise. Let us praise God that the Church, bought and paid for by Jesus and indwelled with His omnipotent Spirit, is impervious to eschatological disaster and, instead, will be used by God to rebuild the world until it conforms to Jesus. 

As we conclude, let us become the kind of people who live consistently with that vision. Here are a few suggestions. 

Step 1: Let us become unshakable Christian people who do not fall into the ruination of the world but are devoted to imperishable activities like prayer, the study of the Word, and participation in our local churches. By rooting ourselves individually in these three things, we become invinsible, unstoppable, and unshakable! 

Step 2: As unshakable people, we must build marriages and raise children impervious to disaster. Husbands build into your wives the kind of Christianity that will preserve and keep her. Parents, build into your children the kind of baptismal faith where they will not be sifted like wheat but will become immune to the enemy's attacks! Our homes, as Christians, should be bastions of faithfulness and strongholds of truth.

Step 3: As we become families that moth and rust cannot destroy, we must catch a vision for how to multiply this into our communities, towns, and cities. The unshakable Kingdom does not stop with us; it does not fear taking over our neighborhoods. How do we do this? We must build businesses. We must plant churches. We must erect institutions of higher learning that inculcate Christian theology into students, young adults, teachers, philosophers, and theologians. We need to open bookstores that will provide resources for this reformation with godly literature. We need to begin publishing companies that will print our manifestos and Biblical musings and find creative ways to disseminate the Gospel so that it transforms our towns. We need Christian plumbing companies, farms, smoke shops, breweries, butchers, and car dealerships explicitly devoted to Christ. Whatever person, building, or concept that currently exists in our town that is not expressly devoted to Jesus, we must begin planning on how to take it over and make it Christian. This may be different than what you have ever heard or different than you are used to living, but we must remember that God will shake the world to nothing, and only what the unshakable people, the Christians, endeavor to build will be left standing. Instead of being ignorant of that fact, I say we embrace it. Instead of accidentally doing it or being passive about it, I say we start doing it actively, righteously, and intentionally to the glory of God. 

Step 4: On a national level, once we have conquered towns, counties, and commonwealths, we must create political parties that will overthrow the Washingtonians. We must have successful jobs so that we can finance corporate buyouts and takeovers so that companies like Apple, Amazon, and Google are owned by Christians or sink into irrelevance in languid opposition. We must be the ones who build research facilities that cure cancer, legislate in the courtrooms to totally and utterly abolish all forms of abortion, and enter into the sciences so that we can extend life expectancy, produce technologies that bring fruitfulness to deserts; we must be the ones who take over this country and bring it back into alignment with Jesus. This is not a hostile takeover with bombs and bullets, but it is a holy war engaged with prayer, fasting, theological development, evangelism, discipleship, church planting, Christian entrepreneurship, and godly leadership that takes over the world. 

Step 5: Once we have reestablished Christendom in America, we need to leverage our influence and economy to begin reaching the world. Instead of using our money to promote transgenderism in Argentina, we must establish Christendom in England again, in Africa, in Asia, and all over the known world so that steps 1-4 will begin happening in unshakable ways globally as well. 

Step 6: instead of forfeiting our legacy, getting lazy and complacent as Christians have done before, we must develop the kind of consistent protestant work ethic that will keep us working, building, and being faithful until our master returns. Instead of burying our talents, hiding our lampstands, and blending in with secular culture, we must expose it, destroy it, rebuild it, and keep refining it until our Lord Jesus Christ returns. We must be tenacious in our faithfulness, refusing to take our hand off the plow until the Lord Jesus says our job is done. We must stop looking at the newspapers and fake new media for signs of the time and start living faithfully with the times we have been given. We must refuse pessimism, reject slothfulness, and work tirelessly unto the glory of God until we fall over dead or our master returns to complete the mission. This is our high and glorious calling, and it is our sweetest privilege.

So, with that, let us be the aggressive ones. Let us be holy in how we labor. And let us build the kind of faith, families, fellowships, churches, companies, and countries that cannot fade and will last forever.


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