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The Illiteracy of Current Issues
It is not enough for theology to be understood. It must also be applied to every aspect of life, which is practical theology. It is particularly important to properly apply Scripture to the major controversial issues of our day. The State of Theology survey looked at how the church applies Scripture to political involvement, extramarital sex, abortion, gender, and homosexuality, revealing that some Christians have held firm to what Scripture teaches on these issues while others have compromised to the world’s perspective.
The Illiteracy of the Church
Our individualistic culture often tempts us to view Christianity as merely a personal relationship with Jesus, but Scripture teaches that the Christian life is to be lived within the context of the local church. This post looks at the results of the Ligonier State of Theology survey regarding the church, which show that the American church is sorely deficient in this area.
The Illiteracy of Salvation
Scripture teaches that salvation is not a one-time event but a process that began in eternity past and will continue until the end of time. This post looks at the state of theology for the American church across the whole process of salvation. While some results in this category are positive, others point to a need for much more robust teaching on the entire process of salvation and the fact that God is the primary actor in it.
The Illiteracy of Man’s and Sin’s Nature
In Christian theology it is just as important to know who we are as it is to know who God is. This post looks at the responses to the 2022 Ligonier State of Theology survey regarding the nature of man and sin.
Just as the questions about God’s nature revealed the American church to be generally idolatrous by misunderstanding who God is, the questions on man and sin revealed an overly high view of man and a failure to grasp the seriousness of sin, a view with cheapens the Gospel.
The Illiteracy of God’s Nature
A proper understanding of God’s nature is crucial to good theology. This post looks at the results of the 2022 Ligonier State of Theology survey that directly relate to God’s nature, revealing a seriously lacking understanding of who God is in the American church–to the point which many Americans are actually worshiping a false god!
The Problem of Scriptural Illiteracy
Scripture is the basis of all theology, so a correct understanding of Scripture is vital to correctly understanding theology. This post begins to look at the results of the 2022 Ligonier State of Theology survey by analyzing the particular questions dealing with Scripture, ultimately showing some cracks in the theological foundation of the American church.
The Problem of Theological Illiteracy
“many Christians have an overly limited or even erroneous understanding of the basic doctrines of the Christian faith. This is a serious problem, as an inadequate knowledge of God causes us to worship not the true God as revealed in Scripture but a god our minds create, which is the definition of idolatry.”