The Shepherd’s blog.
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Race Is Not The Problem
“And while humanity has fallen far short of God's glorious standard, doing vile and shameless things to one another, God Himself would provide the cure. Unlike the modern world - which is attempting to cure the sin of "racism" with more hatred and division - God sent His one and only Son to heal this sin perfectly!”
The Real Trans Identity…
every Christian has a "trans" identity. In our sin, we were once TRANSgressors, but Jesus graciously TRANSferred us out of Satan's dominion and has TRANSplanted us into His family so that we can TRANSlate the Gospel into all languages and TRANSmit it to all people, TRANSforming this world into His image, until the glorious day when we TRANSition into new and incorruptible flesh to live forever with Him.
No Such Thing as “Little Sins.”
“We take things that are offensive to God and then reframe them in language that is more palatable to our egos and consciences.”
Painting Sin With Virtue Signals.
“Everyone virtue signals to some degree or another because no one wants to face the dragons hiding within.” - Kendall Lankford
The Bait of Satan
What kind of bait does Satan go fishing with? How can we be protected from the hook of His temptations? Join us as we explore these things in the blog!