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Love and Respect: Rediscovering the Beauty of Biblical Marriage and Gender
“God created men and women in His image, alike in dignity yet distinct in roles. Many churches follow our society’s warped understanding of gender that sees the innate distinction between men and women as an ugly remnant of the oppressive patriarchy. Instead, this post will show how they are part of God’s pre-Fall creation and…”
Overflowing Gratitude: The Heart of Christian Generosity
“In the previous post, I argued that the concept of the tithe continues in that Christians are still obligated to give adequate financial support to the local church. But out of gratitude for all that God has given us–especially Jesus Christ–we should be generous above and beyond our obligation to the local church, not only…”
Robbing God? Should Christian’s Tithe?
“The American Church like the Jews of Malachi’s day lacks a healthy fear of God that causes us to neglect to give our best to God. This post traces the tithe from the Old Testament into the New, where we find that the tithe was not abolished by Christ but merely changed recipients from the…”