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The Truly Successful Pastor
“Last time we talked about the downfall of Mark Driscoll, Rob Bell, and Ravi Zacharias. Were they merely bad apples or do they indicate a much larger problem? This post examines that question then defines successful pastoral ministry in God’s terms rather than human terms.”
When The Pastor Strays
“I recently addressed the topic of church conflict, including how to address situations where pastors are in error, the need for pastors like all leaders to set the example, and what faithfully upholding the pastoral office looks like. This post expands on that by looking at the downfall of some high-profile Christian leaders in recent…”
The High Calling Of A Pastor
“Many people don’t have a full understanding of what the job of the pastor entails–even many pastors. This post looks more holistically at the high and noble pastoral calling using 1 Peter 5 and Richard Baxter’s book “The Reformed Pastor.”