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The Engine For Christendom (Interview With Dr. Uri Brito)
What role does the church play in the Kingdom of God? Why is it essential to the life and blessings of the believer as well as to the downfall of the kingdom of man? Join us this week as we speak with pastor and author Dr. Uri Brito on how the church is the engine and fuel for a proper Christendom.
The Need For Christendom (Interview With Douglas Wilson)
“What is Christendom? Why should Christians want it? What are we to do to have it? What will the world look like once we've got it? Join pastors Kendall Lankford and Douglas Wilson as we discuss these things together.”
Family Worship As Warfare
“your children are being prepared no matter what you do. They are either being intentionally prepared for a worshipful life in the service of Christ or a worshipless life in the service of self. Your home will prepare them for something; what is it?”
Ten Reasons To Share Christ Publicly
“When Jesus gave the great commission, He didn't limit His authority and dominion to a church building or require His followers to only make disciples from a gathered flock. Instead, he told us to go into the world and disciple the nations. This involves getting outside our buildings and comfort zones, announcing the message to outsiders, and being ready to answer any objections they have until they cut us off, curse us out, or are converted unto Him. “
Don’t Leave Well Enough Alone: Why I Am Preaching At Satancon
“We are not afraid to go and tell anyone about the Gospel because we know the Son of Man will be victorious. We know His Kingdom will advance and the gates of hell will not stand. When human history is complete, every tongue will declare His triumph, and every knee will bow before the Lord of glory. Far from retreating from an event like Satan Con, we are rushing towards it. Not in hubris or pride, but to remind everyone who is there that Christ has already won!”