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#5 Guilty By Association: Ten Reasons Why Voting Democrat is a Sin

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We live in a time when many pastors have become a gelatinous mass of spineless, whispering weakness, too terrified to speak on matters of conviction and consequence. For far too long, evil has been lurking at our gates, creeping over our walls, and infiltrating the halls of Christendom. What have most of the undershepherds assigned to guard Jesus' citadel done? Mostly nothing. Many who were tasked with defending the flock have been asleep at the post, deaf to the cries of their own people and blind to the cultural moment.

I've heard the tired mantras: 'We will preach the Gospel,' 'We will proclaim Christ crucified,' and 'We will teach the people the things of God.' And sure, that sounds lofty and good, but let's cut through the religious fluff for a moment, shall we? What they've really done is hand congregations a spiritual toolkit that will help them navigate the three hours a week they spend inside the sanctuary, their quiet times, and family worship while leaving them ill-equipped for the other 165 hours when they have to deal with the fiery onslaught of modern culture. Bravo, pastors. Bravo.

Yes, you've told them to read their Bibles—congratulations! You've told them to pray—splendid! Can you really be proud of yourself for this? Do you feel justified in your office? I've seen churches where Bible reading and prayer were emphasized until a minister's throat went raw. Yet the congregants still managed to justify abortions, cast ballots for the party of death, and maintain a moral compass that spins more wildly than a weathervane in a tornado.

Here's the crux, brothers (and I am referring to pastors here): you're not merely called to proclaim heaven's glories. You're also tasked with making sense of the muck and mire we wade through here on earth. Ministry isn't a cushy gig where you can opt out of the tough stuff. You're supposed to be a divine double agent—an expert in the kingdom of God and a savvy operator in the kingdom of man. You have been called to wax eloquently about the beauty and wonder found in the Gospel while also exposing the sulfuric demonic delusions that are shoved down our throats by a culture that hates God. We have the role of helping people walk along that narrow way and educating them on just how broad the road is that is leading to destruction. But, I am afraid, as one old Baptist pastor once quipped, 'We've become so heavenly-minded that we've become no earthly good.' Sadly, that's precisely what's happened in our pulpits and in our congregations because ministers have functionally abandoned teaching about, talking about, and even referencing this world in favor of building separatist colonies of heaven gazers here on earth. 

Why have we done this? Well, no doubt some of you pastors believe that speaking about politics or culture is beneath your pay grade. And… You, dear sir, are a fool of the highest order. The world is on fire, and while you're preening about in your white robes like you're too sanctified to get your sweet little hands dirty, your people are drowning in a world you failed to equip them in. This is one reason.  

Still, others think we won't be around long enough to worry about the comings and goings of our current cultural moment, so why waste precious time and energy speaking about it. These are the kind of men who hide away in their libraries, rooting for the world to hurry up and collapse, like they're betting in an eschatological game of back alley craps. Their end times escapism is not only irresponsible; it's a death sentence for God's people, who are waiting for a rapture that is not coming. 

But perhaps the most nauseating lot of cowards proliferating the ranks of evangelicalism are those who are riddled with the fear of man instead of the fear of God. Instead of alerting the congregation of the genuine threats standing against Christendom in our day, they quake in fear over offending big donors. Apparently, your Biblical views on the trannies and the gays will cause your well-padded budget to shrink, and that could never be a blessing from the Lord, right? You have swallowed your convictions, tiptoed like Houdini on a tightrope across a river, refusing to confront the idols of this age because it would affect your bottom line. This is not only foolish—it's downright spineless and idolatrous. The true people of God are looking to you for leadership, and because you have prioritized goats with thick checkbooks, all the true church is getting from you is evanjellyfish dribble with sermons the same temperature as lukewarm bathwater. 

To all the ministers reading… If you're unwilling to take your Bible and equip the saints to confront the culture, you should step aside and maybe take up selling hot dogs and beer at Fenway. At least then, you'd provide real nourishment to hungry souls who gather on Sunday.

We need clarity, boldness, and pastors who are willing to offend with the truth rather than coddle with lies. Imagine a fireman tiptoeing into a burning building, careful not to wrinkle his uniform or break a sweat while the people inside are roasting alive. Do you want that guy pulling you out of the flames? No, you want a brawny, burly firefighter who will drag you out by the collar if necessary. And if you come out a little bruised, well, at least you're not charbroiled. That's why I decided to do this series, '10 Reasons Why It's a Sin to Vote Democrat.' In an election season as divisive as this, the people of God don't need more hemming and hawing. They need answers. They need real leaders. And if no one else is willing to step up, I will. 


Welcome to 2024, where the political swamp rats have somehow convinced a chunk of the population that turning little Jimmy into Jan is progress. Welcome to the twisted logic of the party that thinks a biological male can carry a baby and yet has no problem decapitating your infant in your womb. These are the same cotton-headed-ninny-muggins who will ship the remains of that tiny, dismembered life off to the highest-bidding research lab or university. And what do they do with the sacramental spoils of their death cult religion? They turn your murdered babies into the next lot of vaccines that they'll gleefully force into your arm during their next plandemic, all while patting themselves on the back for being champions of 'the science.'

So yes, we've got more than enough reasons not to cast a vote for these satanic sociopaths. But today, I'd like to focus on a reason that doesn't get nearly enough attention—the company they keep. My grandma always told me, 'Show me your friends, and I'll show you your future.' And she was dead right. She didn't want me hanging out with beer-chugging, tail-chasing, weed-puffing degenerates who congregated in some backwoods North Carolina cornfield every Friday night. Why? Because she knew that bad company corrupts good morals. Just like one rotten apple can turn the whole bunch to mush, the people you surround yourself with will either elevate you or drag you down into the muck with them.

The same is true of political parties. You can tell a lot about the moral health of a party by looking at its associates. And, if you dare to peek behind the dank stained curtain of the Democratic Party, you'll find a heaping gaggle of degenerates with minimal effort. It's not just the policies they espouse—those are bad enough—but the fact that their social circle is a rogues' gallery of deviants, crooks, and moral sewage that should convince all people to never vote for them and even advocate for their arrest. 

We must stop being fooled by the syrupy, sweet rhetoric dripping from their sanctimonious lips. These puffed-up charlatans love to preach from their ivory towers about 'women's rights,' 'health care,' and 'gender confusion.' They croon about compassion, equity, and inclusion with all the sincerity of a snake oil salesman at a small town carnival. It's all part of the con—slick words designed to make you feel like you're the bad guy for not joining the parade of progressive bleeding heart lunacy.

These people are the moral equivalent of Jeffrey Epstein whispering sweet nothings into the ears of the girls he's about to rape. The party of "democracy" and "decency" are the very ones who have our country backed into a corner, lifting up Lady Liberty's skirt while flashing that creepy grin. Make no mistake, they talk a good game, but they're pedophiles of the mind and soul, luring the naive into the mental backseats of their seedy van, all with promises of a utopia that will never come. 

And here is the point, you don't need a PhD in political science to figure out who these people really are—just take a look at their friends. Who do they play around with? Who financially supports them? Who do they worship as modern heroes? Who do they invite into their swanky soirees and secret societies? If you want to gauge the rancid stench of the Democratic Party, and you should do that for the sake of truth, then all you need to do is take a whiff of the vomitous people they surround themselves with, and you will understand it all.

Think about it this way, you can believe someone is a victim in one failed relationship. But when someone has gone through ten toxic marriages, maybe—just maybe— they are the problem. In the same way, by the end of this episode, I think we'll all be convinced that the Democrats are the common denominator in a long line of evil, disgusting practices and putrid policies. They aren't just hanging with evil—they are evil. The rotten core of their party is reflected perfectly in the rotten company they keep.

If this purpose is clear, it's time to dive headfirst into the murky depths of the Democratic Party's dirty Rolodex, exposing the rotten alliances and sinister friendships that show us just how far they've fallen—and why voting for them is not only a mistake but a sin.


When my wife's grandma passed away in her mid-nineties, we uncovered a treasure trove of expired food living secretly in her cupboards. And by "expired," I don't mean a few days past the "best by" date—I'm talking about relics from another decade, sealed in cans like time capsules, their contents having long since given up the will to live. As is true for all of us, as her ability to reach the deep shelves diminished with her age, so did her awareness of the toxic waste accumulating in her kitchen. Out of sight, out of mind—until we had to dig through it all.

Today, I do not intend to serve you any outdated political scandals hiding on yesteryears' shelves. For instance, I'm not about to drag up Grover Cleveland's little whoopsie from the 1880s, where the so-called "family values" Democrat got caught up in a paternity scandal with a woman, not his wife. Nor am I here to rehash tired old rumors about JFK and Marilyn Monroe or even Billy Clinton and the infamous: "I did not have sexual relations with that woman." But today, we're going to be dealing with fresh rot — straight from the sewer of modern Democrat politics. What I'm about to discuss with you makes Grover Cleveland's misstep look like spilled milk compared to the ethical septic tank our ignoble leaders are bathing in. Thus, I will only cover events in the last fifteen years. I will not be able to be exhaustive, but I will not have to be. The fact that these are the kind of miscreants the democratic party keeps as bedfellows exposes everything we need to know about who they are and why we cannot trust them. 

Take, for instance, some of the events of the last decade— which are filled with one example after another of Democrats of why Democrats cannot claim the moral high ground and cannot conceivably lecture us on morality or ethics. 

Take, for example, Anthony Weiner, which is a fitting name for this Democratic sleaze bag. Once a friend of the Clintons and other bigwigs in the party, he was not only caught once, not even twice but three times sexting minor girls' pictures of his genitals. Despite becoming a walking punchline, this man was a sitting U.S. Representative, someone who was being groomed for higher offices, and someone democratic leadership spent countless hours vetting, promoting, and covering for. Do we really believe his pervy ways were unknown to the Clintons and other top-level politicians? If you can believe that, you are exactly the kind of person I would like to hire to take my pet dodo bird on daily afternoon walks. 

But it isn't just Anthony Weiner schnitzel. What about Harvey Weinstein, the Democrat mega-donor who practically owned Hollywood. His despicable reign of sexual terror, which was finally exposed in 2017, carried on as long as it did because all the other useful idiots bought and paid for by the democrats ran cover for him and had no problem turning a blind eye to his serial abuse while cashing his girthy checks. For years, this man preyed on women. Yet, he was invited to every gala, every fundraiser, and every red carpet-event because he was a loyal soldier in the Democratic cause. 

Think about Corey Feldman, who claims he was molested by Charlie Sheen; child actors who have come forth talking about being sexually abused while at Nickelodeon, ask Justin Beiber what happened at Puff Daddy's house, or Kat Williams, who claimed that many who become successful in Hollywood, did so doing favors on their knees, instead of working hard while on the set. From the top to the bottom, and more information is coming out all the time on this, but Hollywood has become the most densely configured assortment of rapists, sexual deviants, and pedophiles in all of world history. Do I think everyone in Hollywood and in the entertainment industry is a pedophile? No. Do I believe that the center of the pedophilic rot resides in that disgusting town? Yes, I do, and for many reasons. What is my point? Hollywood and its minions are overwhelmingly some of the most outspoken supporters, lobbyists, donators, and activists for the democrats on earth. And when that lot of people are cheering for one particular party in lockstep, we ought to run in the other direction like Lot fleeing Sodom. 

But it is not just Hollywood. Democratic darlings like Terry Bean have been charged with sexual abuse of a minor in 2014. Al Franken, once a liberal U.S. Senator from Minnesota, was forced to resign in 2017 after multiple accusations of groping women came to light. John Conyers, same thing, the longest-serving member of Congress at the time, was forced to resign after using tax money to bribe multiple women not to rat him out for his deviant sexual escapades. 

And speaking of moral decay, how could we leave out Kamala Harris, whose rise to political power wasn't exactly built on policy brilliance or dazzling debate performances. She began by cozying up to then-San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown—who was over 30 years her senior and just so happened to give her several high-profile political appointments while he was sleeping with her. Call it what you will, but the answer is pretty simple. This is how Harris fast-tracked her way through California's political machine. And yet, here she is now, a heartbeat and an election away from the presidency and lauded as a 'role model' for young women. 

We haven't even touched on Ed Buck, the Democratic mega-donor convicted in 2019 for injecting young men in his home with methamphetamine until they overdosed. And, time will certainly not allow for us to look into men like Bill Cosbey, Eliot Spitzer, Eric Massa, Kevin Spacey, Joe Morrissey, David Wu, Bob Filner, Tony Cardenas, Cyrus Vance, Scott Stringer, Kaitlyn Hunt.     

Just when you thought the nauseating stench that clings to the Democrats, much like dirt follows after Pigpen, couldn't get worse, a new decade has dawned, and moral degeneracy among the lefties appears to be on the rise. In years past, a man like John Edwards, who cheated on his wife while she was dying of cancer, would have resigned in shame and faded from the public spotlight. And that would have been a just outcome. But not so today. Doing virtually the same thing, Democratic playboy Gavin Newsome kept his political future alive by giving the most insincere and trite apology I have ever seen and then went back to business as usual. In that situation, we can see that morality in this country is eroding quickly, and what used to shock us no longer does. 

But, I am thankful that we live in a time when the rot festering beneath the façade of "justice" and "equality" has been and is being exposed for all to see. I am thankful that many people have seen the depravity in recent years, and I pray to God that it continues to get more and more exposure. For instance, I believe the situations involving men like Jefferey Epstein, Hunter Biden, and Pdiddy have been a gift from God to the world. Of course, we cringe when we hear about it, but thank God it no longer happens in secret! Thank God almighty things are coming into the light, and I pray that the entire enterprise will come crashing down soon. 

If you have been living in a hole somewhere and do not know what I am talking about, I want to highlight a few of the most recent examples to really buttress my point. Again, the examples in the past few years have been legion, so I can only cover a couple. 


We can't speak about Democratic depravity without referencing its undisputed overlord: Jeffrey Epstein, who wasn't just a man with questionable morals but a career predator who turned perversion into a full-blown industry, where young girls—some as young as 12 and 13—were systematically abused, trafficked, and delivered to the most powerful elites in the world. The fact that his network stretched from Hollywood to Washington, from Silicon Valley to Wall Street is terrifying enough, but what's more disturbing is the sheer volume of prominent Democratic politicians and loyalists caught up in his sickening web.

Epstein didn't just run a mafia style sex empire—he owned an entire island where the depravity was so routine that it earned the nickname "Pedophile Island." His infamous private jet, the Lolita Express, ferried passengers like Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Steven Hawking, and others to his private compound on Little St. James, where guests could indulge in the most despicable acts in the privacy of the Caribbean. These men were not catching rays and working on humanitarian projects with a wealthy financier; in the same way, a seedy man is not looking for friendship when he walks into a strip club. They went there looking for the merchandise Epstein was selling, and I pray to God the evidence he allegedly compiled on them will eventually come to light and bring them to an end. 

Now, let's talk about the hard truth. This wasn't just a handful of sordid parties; this was systematic, international sex trafficking. We're talking about a vast network that implicated members of the royal family, democratic politicians, and left-leaning celebrities, from Prince Andrew to Hollywood's A-listers. The fact that Epstein rubbed shoulders with nearly every Democrat heavyweight—from Bill Clinton to former Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta, who resigned after giving Epstein a "sweetheart deal" to allow him to continue perpetrating his crimes on minor girls, tells you everything you need to know about the moral compass of these so-called "public servants."

Epstein's 2019 arrest was supposed to be when justice would finally be served. The world held its breath as we waited to see which of his high-profile friends would be exposed in the biggest scandal of the century. He had videos, flight logs, and tons of damning evidence. But then, as almost as if no one saw it coming, Epstein didn't live to see his trial. In what can only be described as one of the most convenient deaths in modern history, Epstein was very expediently found dead in his jail cell, conveniently offing himself by suicide, while under 24/7 surveillance in one of the most secure facilities in the United States. Apparently, they want us to believe two seasoned guards, watching over the most prolific and high-profile convict in decades, just so happened to "fall asleep" on suicide watch. At the same time, the cameras pointed right at his cell glitched and stopped working? Give me a break. 

The theory that Epstein committed suicide is not only ridiculous, it insults our intelligence. If that man really is dead, he died to bury the lurid secrets of the elites because he knew too much, saw too much, and took too many notes. And where are the tapes? Probably cataloged and filed in the basement of that three-letter institution headquartered in Langley, Virginia. 

In the end, the whole Epstein debacle demonstrates to us that we are not dealing with ordinary corruption here. This is a cesspool of power, greed, and perversion at the highest levels of society. And at every turn, the Democrat virtuosos of virtue were tangled up in his slimy web. Thus, if we apply the principle of you become the company that you keep, the left in this country has become something so fowl they ought not ever to win another election anywhere again. 


This isn't just corruption and perversion that exists at arm's length from democrats in power. This kind of corruption exists in the home of current president Joseph Robinette Biden, whose son has taught the newest master class on how to be a world-class derelict. If you needed a walking, talking embodiment of everything wrong with America's political elite, look no further than Hunter and his infamous laptop that for years was peddled as a Russian misinformation hoax. 

As many have noted, Hunter's laptop was and is a steaming pile of filth that should've sent shockwaves through Washington and beyond. The contents paint a picture that would be career-ending for anyone else. We're talking about actual crimes, drug binges with prostitutes, sex tapes, admissions of Biden family corruption, pay-to-play schemes in Ukraine, China, and elsewhere, as well as cocaine-fueled benders that make rock stars look like choir boys. And sure, it's easy to dismiss these activities as a sad, personal implosion—but it gets darker. The laptop also contains evidence of underage girls, Biden family knowledge, and enough evidence to bring the entire crime syndicate family down. 

And yet, what do we hear from the Democrats and Washingtonian elites? Crickets. You'd think a laptop filled with videos of the president of the United States of America’s son smoking crack, hooking up with prostitutes, and sending lewd texts to minors would be enough to have upended the 2020 election and left Biden cringing in shame. But no! Instead of denouncing the deplorable behavior of his son or being held accountable for the millions of dollars Joe Biden made as a result of his son's influence peddling, Joe Biden doubled down and called Hunter: "one of the smartest people I know"which is a testament of the IQ it takes to survive in Washington. 

As I said before, it was the Democrats and their media cronies who were quick to dismiss the whole thing as "Russian disinformation," a phrase that was echoed so many times they inoculated the masses. But the emails are real, the photos are real, the corruption is real, and the implications are staggering. Not least, that the company held and kept by democrats defines who they are. They can claim plausible deniability all they want. They can keep looking down their noses and pretending to be the party of moral superiority. But, in the same way, a husband cannot deny the charge of cheating when he comes down with the clap, so the Democrats cannot deny their evil based on the gross company they have been keeping. 

Now, rather than continuing on, trust me, we could. I have said nothing of Eric Swalwell and his Chinese honeypot, Fang Fang. I have not mentioned that CNN reporter and democratic ally who was caught masturbating on a company Zoom call. I didn't mention Andrew Cuomo, R. Kelly, and I really have not gotten into the current bombshell surrounding Pdiddy and all the nasty things he is involved in. But, what I have mentioned is enough to prove my point, that the entire party is corrupt based solely on the company they keep, and now I would like to transition to a Biblical argument. 


The importance of associations and the influence of the company we keep is a prominent theme throughout Scripture. The Bible consistently teaches that our relationships and partnerships shape our character, influence our behavior, and either draw us closer to or lead us away from God. Associating with evildoers is not just a casual misstep but a spiritual danger with profound consequences. Let's dig into the robust biblical foundations on this subject.

Bad Company Corrupts Good Morals (1 Corinthians 15:33)

Paul's warning in 1 Corinthians 15:33—"Do not be deceived: Bad company corrupts good morals"—is a foundational verse on the power of association. The context of this chapter is Paul's defense of the resurrection, where he addresses those in Corinth who were led astray by false teachings. Paul is not just speaking to the influence of theological error but to the broader principle that the people we align with have the power to corrupt our character and faith.

When we associate with the wicked, their values and practices subtly, and sometimes overtly, seep into our lives. It's not merely a risk; it's a certainty. Paul's words are stark—there is no ambiguity in his warning. Proverbs 22:24-25 adds to this: "Do not associate with a man given to anger; or go with a hot-tempered man, or you will learn his ways and find a snare for yourself."

Further reinforcement comes from Psalm 106:35: "But they mingled with the nations and learned their practices," which illustrates the consequences of mingling with those who do not follow God. When we keep company with those who reject God, we open ourselves up to the erosion of our morality, faith, and integrity.

The Democratic Party's open endorsement of anti-Christian values—from their advocacy for abortion to their championing of gender confusion—places any Christian who associates with them in spiritual peril. Just as the Corinthians were warned against fraternizing with false teachers, Christians today are commanded to avoid aligning themselves with those who promote wickedness.

Do Not Be Unequally Yoked (2 Corinthians 6:14-17)

In 2 Corinthians 6:14-17, Paul writes, "Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness?" This passage provides clear instructions against forming deep associations with those who reject God's ways. The image of being "yoked" together reflects an agricultural metaphor: two animals bound together by a yoke must work in unison. If one pulls in a different direction, the work becomes chaotic, fruitless, and destructive.

1 Corinthians 10:21 strengthens this, stating: "You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons." Additionally, Deuteronomy 7:3-4 instructs, "Furthermore, you shall not intermarry with them... for they will turn your sons away from following Me to serve other gods," reinforcing the warning against aligning with those opposed to God's commands.

This teaching directly applies to political alliances. When Christians vote for or align with a party that champions lawlessness and moral corruption, they are unequally yoked. Just as there is no fellowship between light and darkness, there can be no partnership between Christians and those who celebrate sin.

Flee From Evildoers (Psalm 1:1-2)

Psalm 1:1 provides a timeless principle: "How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers!" The psalmist outlines a clear progression: walking, standing, and sitting. This progression demonstrates the increasing influence of evil associations on a person. It begins with casual interaction, moves to active participation, and ends with a hardened, settled posture of rebellion.

Proverbs 4:14-15 further warns, "Do not enter the path of the wicked and do not proceed in the way of evil men. Avoid it, do not pass by it; turn away from it and pass on." Proverbs 1:10-15 gives another strong warning: "My son, if sinners entice you, do not consent... do not walk in the way with them; keep your feet from their path."

When Christians cast their vote for a party that promotes policies in direct contradiction to God's law, they are walking in the counsel of the wicked. They stand in the path of sinners when they endorse policies that celebrate the killing of the unborn, sexual perversion and godless ideologies. And they sit in the seat of scoffers when they actively defend or justify their support of these evildoers.

Psalm 1 sets the standard for the righteous: they are called to avoid such associations and delight in the law of the Lord.

Do Not Participate in the Deeds of Darkness (Ephesians 5:11)

Ephesians 5:11 commands, "Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them."Christians are not only called to avoid sinful practices but also to expose them for what they are—works of darkness that lead to destruction. Participation in these deeds is condemned, whether through direct action or indirect endorsement.

To reinforce this, 2 John 1:10-11 warns, "If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house, and do not give him a greeting; for the one who gives him a greeting participates in his evil deeds." Proverbs 24:1-2 also cautions, "Do not be envious of evil men, nor desire to be with them; for their minds devise violence, and their lips talk of trouble."

Voting for a political party that celebrates and legislates immorality is a form of participation. Whether it's the endorsement of abortion, the promotion of gender confusion, or the redefinition of marriage, the deeds of darkness are not hidden—they are on full display. Christians are not free to remain neutral or silent.

Do Not Associate with Those Who Cause Division (Romans 16:17-18)

In Romans 16:17-18, Paul warns: "I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them." Titus 3:10-11 further emphasizes this, saying: "Reject a factious man after a first and second warning, knowing that such a man is perverted and is sinning, being self-condemned."

The Democratic Party, through its identity politics, Critical Race Theory, and constant stoking of division along lines ofrace, class, and gender, exemplifies the kind of factionalism that Paul warns against. Their rhetoric is designed to fracture society, pitting groups against one another in a never-ending cycle of grievance and hostility.

Christians are called to unity, peace, and love within the body of Christ. We compromise our witness and allegiance to the truth by associating with those who sow division. Paul's instruction is clear: we must avoid such people.

You Become What You Behold (Proverbs 13:20)

Proverbs 13:20 says, "He who walks with the wise will be wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm." This principle is practical and spiritual: we become like those we spend time with. If we walk with the wise, we grow in wisdom. But if we associate with fools, we will be harmed by their folly.

Psalm 26:4-5 adds, "I do not sit with deceitful men, nor will I go with pretenders. I hate the assembly of evildoers, and I will not sit with the wicked." Proverbs 6:27-28 gives a metaphor for associating with sin: "Can a man carry fire in his bosom and his clothes not be burned? Or can a man walk on hot coals and his feet not be scorched?"

The Democratic Party, with its embrace of ungodly ideologies, represents the foolishness that leads to destruction. Associating with them, even through the simple act of voting, invites their folly into our lives. It exposes us to the moral decay and godlessness that defines their platform and leads us away from the path of wisdom.

Come Out from Among Them (Revelation 18:4)

In Revelation 18:4, the voice from heaven cries, "Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins so that you will not receive any of her plagues." This is a call to God's people to separate themselves from the world's corrupt systems, represented in Babylon. 2 Corinthians 6:17 echoes this call: "Therefore, come out from their midst and be separate, says the Lord. And do not touch what is unclean, and I will welcome you."

Isaiah 52:11 reinforces this: "Depart, depart, go out from there, touch nothing unclean; go out of the midst of her, purify yourselves, you who carry the vessels of the Lord."

The Democratic Party, with its unrepentant support of evil, represents a modern-day Babylon. Christians are not to align with or support such a system. To do so is to share in their sins and expose ourselves to the judgment that will inevitably follow.

In every corner of Scripture, we are warned about the dangers of associating with the wicked. Whether it is the corrupting influence of bad company or the spiritual consequences of aligning with those who oppose God, the Bible is clear: Christians are to keep themselves unstained by the world (James 1:27) and to avoid all forms of evil (1 Thessalonians 5:22). Voting for the Democratic Party, with its flagrant disregard for God's law, is an act of association with evil, and as such, it is a sin. The Bible commands us to come out from among them and to have no fellowship with the deeds of darkness.


Brothers and sisters, we have reached a pivotal moment in our nation's history, and our decisions now will echo into eternity. Let me be crystal clear: politics alone will not save this country. Our hope is not in any man, party, or system. Our salvation is found in Christ alone. However, politics can play a significant role in our condemnation, which is precisely why this issue is so serious. Casting a vote for a party that celebrates the killing of the unborn, the destruction of biblical family structures, and the promotion of godless ideologies places you on the wrong side of righteousness. This is not a matter of preference—it is a matter of moral clarity.

We cannot afford to sit on the sidelines. If you believe in the Gospel, the sanctity of life, and God's design for humanity, then you cannot remain silent. Engage in conversations with those around you, especially those considering voting for the Democratic Party. Challenge their thinking, present the truth, and remind them that their vote has eternal consequences. Remember, silence in the face of evil is itself evil.