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Ten Reasons Why Voting Democrat Is A Sin: The Introduction

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The country we are living in is an absolute mess right now, and the biggest reason is that Christians have been passive, uninvolved, and spectating the collapse of America for decades. We have been like second-string cheerleaders on the sidelines instead of All-pro linebackers facing 4th and 1. Instead of being faithfully engaged in culture and cultivating culture, we have been living with our proverbial bags packed, hoping our heavenly Scottie will go ahead and beam us up and out of here. This posture is like leaving hamburger meat out on the counter instead of putting it in the fridge. As time passes, it turns green and noxious, which is precisely what happened to this culture under our negligent watch. 

In the last two decades, the Alphabet Abomination has wildly increased, gaining tremendous speed and momentum in culture. Now, this is not to say that sodomites, lesbians, and those who want to lop off their testicles and compete in women’s boxing, did not exist twenty-one years ago; I am sure that they did. But, over the last 20 years (In general) and the previous 10 years (more specifically), this unholy movement that promotes Frankenstening young children, the weaponizing of pronouns, fat men twerking in fronts of mothers and babes in sequined dresses, schools pushing pornographic material in libraries, and the rabid left forcing everyone on earth to cheer for their lude and disgusting lifestyle, has increased at a breakneck speed.

At the same time, around the second term of Sénior Obama, Eric Holder turned the DOJ into a political hammer to nail down the left's enemies. Nowadays, men and women who are praying outside of Planned Parenthood and grandmothers taking guided tours of Congress with the Capitol Hill Police can be jailed disproportionately for the action they committed. This comes at the same time that Commie Kamala was working to defund the police in 2020 and pay the bail of arsonists who burned Minneapolis to the ground. So, if you agree with the godless left, you can torch entire cities and obtain a get-out-of-jail-free card, but if you dare disagree with them, you will be made an example of. This is how Justice has been godlessly perverted, at a quickening pace, just since Obama took office. 

On and on we could go, talking about things like the government overreach during the "Wuflu," the pressure campaign to get people to take the jab, the normalization of sexually-explicit material, men flashing their penis to women in bathrooms, the undermining of parental rights, and so much more. At the center of all of these issues is a pimp known as the democratic party, who is prostituting our country into deeper and deeper rebellion against our God. And sadly, much of the modern-day republican party is bought-and-paid-for pansies who watch all of it happening and do nothing about it. 

That is why I wanted to do a series like this. Both things we have spoken about so far are overwhelmingly true. Jesus is going to transform this world into a Christian paradise before He returns, and the Church in America and the West needs to pull her proverbial head out of her proverbial tail and get on with the great commission. 

Now, a part of that work is understanding who and what we are against. In his classic work, The Art of War, Sun Tzu says, "Know thy enemy." This is why I want to do a series on the modern democratic party because I do not want any Christians confused about how godless this movement has become. I also, as a primary focus of this series, do not want any Evangelicals, protestants, or anyone else who claims the name of Christ to support this movement out of a deep-seated Trump Derangement Syndrome. I know that Trump is immoral. I know that voting for him will inflame many people's consciences, and I will address that in the final episode. But, running to the Democratic party as a sanctuary against Trump's immorality is like guzzling the venom of an Inland Taipan to avoid the bite of the copperhead. It would be like injecting fentanyl to avoid taking morphine. Running to the Democrats on moral grounds is akin to a kind of moral insanity that must not be found in the Church of Jesus Christ. 

Over the next several weeks, I want to show how the Democratic party is not only the party of sin but that voting for them as the "less evil option" is, in fact, a great evil and sin against God. It is cheering for the continued reign of Washingtonian Jezebels and Secular Progressive Athaliahs when what this country really needs is good old-fashioned Christian Joash. I do not believe Trump fits that bill. Still, I certainly do think that the modern democratic party is unique and terrifyingly wicked, and no one in their right moral mind can or should support them. 

Thus, over the next ten weeks, I will be giving 10 specific examples of how and why voting Democrat is not a morally neutral action but is, in fact, sinning against God. We will talk about Climate Change, Critical Race Theory, Open Borders, Conversion Therapy, Religious Liberty, Education, Secularism and Socialism, Gender Transitions, the LGBTQ mafia, and the systematic genocide of children through abortion. My goal in this tumultuous election cycle is to provide crystal clarity on why the Democrats cannot be supported with a single vote. It is my hope that as we do this, their reign of terror will come crashing down and be replaced by something far less wicked and morbidly heinous. 


Now, before we wrap things up, I want to drop the hammer on why voting for the Democratic Party isn't just a bad idea—it's a full-on assault against the God you claim to serve. If I'm going to bind your conscience, I'm bringing chapter and verse because this isn't about my opinion but what the King of kings says.

1. Approving What God Hates (Romans 1:32)

Romans 1:32 hits like a freight train:

"And although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them."

Let that sink in. When you cast your vote for the Democratic Party, a party that not only practices but celebrates abortion, sexual perversion, and every flavor of wickedness under the sun, you're not just standing on the sidelines—you're cheering them on. You're telling God, "I'm okay with this!" That, my friends, is a neon sign that you've been handed over to a debased mind. God is screaming at you through His Word that you are playing with fire, and yet you nod along as these people stomp on everything sacred. Wake up! Repent before it's too late, or you'll find yourself on the wrong side of God's wrath, and believe me, that's a place you don't want to be.

2. Not Acting in Faith (Romans 14:23)

Romans 14:23 doesn't pull any punches:

"Whatever is not from faith is sin."

You can't hide behind the excuse of "voting against Trump" when you toss your lot in with the Democrats. That's not faith talking—that's fear, cowardice, and a complete lack of trust in God's sovereignty. If you think for one second that switching sides to a party that openly defies God is the lesser of two evils, you're dead wrong. Running from Trump's moral failings into the arms of the Democrats is like jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire. It's a sin because it doesn't come from faith; it comes from a twisted sense of pragmatism that has no place in the life of a believer. Don't kid yourself—if your vote isn't rooted in faithfulness to God, it's a sin, plain and simple.

3. Calling Evil Good and Good Evil (Isaiah 5:20)

Isaiah 5:20 throws down a gauntlet:

"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!"

The Democratic Party is guilty of this sin every single day. They promote policies that fly in the face of Biblical morality—abortion, sexual immorality, the redefinition of marriage—and they don't just stop there. They demand that you celebrate these abominations, calling them "good" and labeling God's truth as "evil." And when you vote for them, you're signing your name on that dotted line of perversion. You're standing shoulder to shoulder with those who shake their fists at heaven and dare God to do something about it. This isn't just a vote—it's a betrayal of the God who saved you. And that, my friends, is nothing short of treason against the King of the universe.

4. Partnering with Darkness (2 Corinthians 6:14-15)

2 Corinthians 6:14-15 leaves no room for doubt:

"Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness? Or what harmony has Christ with Belial, or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever?"

Voting for the Democratic Party is more than a political choice—it's spiritual adultery. You are yoking yourself to a party that revels in lawlessness, that dances in the dark, and that spits in the face of Christ. There is no middle ground here; you can't serve two masters. Either you're with Christ, or you're with Belial, and if you're casting your vote for a party that's doing the devil's work, you've made your choice. Don't deceive yourself into thinking this is about politics—it's about allegiance, and you're giving yours to the wrong side.

5. Allying with a Throne of Iniquity (Psalm 94:20-21)

Psalm 94:20-21 is a gut punch to anyone still on the fence:

"Can a throne of destruction be allied with You, one which devises mischief by decree? They band themselves together against the life of the righteous and condemn the innocent to death."

The Democratic Party has made a throne for itself out of the blood of the unborn and the broken lives of those who follow its twisted decrees. By casting your vote for them, you are allying yourself with a throne of iniquity, a throne that God Himself stands against. This is not just about policies and platforms; it's about standing with those who have set themselves against the righteousness and Justice of God. Supporting such a party is nothing less than shaking your fist at heaven and saying, "I'm with them." That's not just a mistake—it's a sin of the highest order, and it's time to repent before you find yourself on the wrong side of God's judgment.


In the weeks ahead, we will examine this very thing. We will examine the top ten reasons why voting for the modern democratic party is a sin. Then, I will conclude this series on how I am going to vote and the principles for how a Christian should think about voting in our current political moment. 

This series will be confrontational, filled with lots of Scripture, and likely to cause more than a few controversies. But, my hope and my prayer is that the Word of God will do precisely what it always does. That it would function as a two-edged sword. I am praying that it will expose the fake Christians who are masquerading among us and that it will cause true Christians to repent of soiled allegiances. I am also praying that these episodes will spark good conversations among friends and family, expose things going on in our country, and equip the saints on how to think about these critical issues. 

There is a lot of work for the church of Christ. We must cling to the Gospel of Jesus Christ over all things. We must grow in our allegiance to Almighty God, learning how to love Him with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength. And as it relates to our neighbors, may we be the kind of truth-tellers who love our neighbors so much that we would never let them cast their lot in with such unholy movements as the modern democratic party. Telling the truth is one of the most basic acts of love, and may we lay our love on thick in these untruthful days. 

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Until then, may God richly bless you, and I will see you next week for part 2 in this series.